Oh no, this is a bad misunderstanding that's going to distant Jin from me but I won't let that happen. Hoseok must have thought that me and Yoongi were there to pick on him and Yoongi's comment did come out as homophobic. This is more than just bad. This is terrible. I took Jin's shivering figure into my arms and invited myself into his house quickly shutting the door.

I sat him down on the couch as he continued hiccuping and sobbing. It breaks my heart to see him cry. Every tear of his stabs my heart. I love him so much and I can't see him cry. "Jin please stop crying you misunderstood. Both you and Hoseok. Please Jin listen and let me explain." He looks at me with confused eyes. "Mis- *hic* Misunderstood? *hic*" Oh my, he looks so adorable I just want to kiss his trembling lips until they calm under my touch. Ugh stop Namjoon.

I started explaining everything to him. He listened quietly, occasionally hiccuping in the middle. "So that's how it all happened. Neither of us meant it." I finished. I expected him to jump into my arms and tell me that he's sorry for misunderstanding but he just stared at me blankly before he started to cry again. I panicked and reached for his arm to turn him towards me but he yanked his hand away.

"Jin?" I asked.

"Don't touch me Namjoon! Do you expect me to believe that? Just get out. You disgust me!" Jin snapped. Wow. It's really rare to get Jin to snap. Well done Namjoon. You should get an award. Shit. "No Jin, please listen. If I wanted to hurt you do you think I would have left my house at this time of the night to come to your house worried sick because you wouldn't answer your phone?" I reasoned. He peeked at me through his wet lashes before shaking his head slightly. Why was he so cute?

"Jin, I swear Yoongi didn't say those things to Hoseok, it was just an unfortunate situation. Yoongi would never say those things to Hoseok. Yoongi likes Hoseok." That's when Jin freezes before turning to me completely and yelling. "Kim Namjoon! You've spent too long in the rain. You're sick! You've lost you're mind. Min Yoongi hates everyone! It's not possible for him to like someone. Isn't he a vampire? Oh My God he's gonna kill Hobi! I have to protect him! And you need a doctor." Jin started to panic.

Wow. I didn't know Yoongi's reputation was this bad. I know he wasn't the liveliest but vampire? That's a new level. Yoongi would have been proud of it too if the incident with Hoseok didn't happen.

"Jin calm down before you make yourself sick. Yoongi is not a vampire. He's a bit shut off and lazy and just a shit head sometimes but he isn't that bad. He genuinely likes Hoseok and that's why I was calling you, because I needed you to help with the situation and get them closer. Yoongi is my best friend and most people don't understand him but I do. Jin, he's had a worse childhood than mine which is why he doesn't open up to people but this is the first time he's wanting to get closer. This is the first time he's wanting to be with someone. He's awkward with social interactions so he just doesn't bother with them but this time he wants to try- for Hoseok. Please help him Jin. I swear on my life I'm not lying to you and neither me nor Yoongi have the intention of hurting you or Hoseok. Please trust me Jin."

After my long ass speech I mentally gave myself a round of applause. I didn't even know I could get so deep. I guess Jin does things to me but trust me, this isn't the only time I'll be getting deep with Jin. If you know what I mean.

I looked at my messy prince, who just stared at me blankly. "Jin?" No response. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly. "Oh sorry. Umm... are you... are you... I mean how... did he..." "Jin what are you trying to say? You can tell me." " I... umm, are you sure than Yoongi is not a vampire." He looks so scared but it's so adorable at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh at his seriousness. His wide eyes narrowed before he smacked my arm and pouted. "Don't laugh at me you big meanie." "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'm more than sure that Yoongi is completely human. Why would you think otherwise?" He furrowed his brows in thought and my heart leaped at the sight.

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