Chapter 34

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Ashley's P.O.V

I turned the wheel of the car to the right driving my white Lamborghini with Katie in the back and Lilly in the passenger seat. We were going to Aston's pack to try and persuade them to fight with us. My gut was telling me this was a bad idea while Silver(my wolf) was very excited to see our mate.

The song "Turn down for what" was blasting through the speakers full blast.Katie was bouncing around in the back seat singing along to the words and Lucy was eating a donut we got from dunkin donuts earlier this morning.

I was wearing a white leather jacket with a red top and black leggings. Also with black open toed heels. My hair was in a lose pony tail in the back. Remember I have colored hair. Lucy was wearing a white tank top with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and white heels. Her hair was in a fish tail braid in the back. Katie was wearing a red leather jacket with a black tank top, red leggings and black heeled boots. She stole the boots from me you can tell.

I popped a yellow mento in my mouth. I turned another corner and went faster than the speed limit. We arrived at the gates of Aston's pack house right on time. We drove up to the gates. The men were standing there with blank faces. One of the men came up to my window.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the man asked

"I am Alpha Williams with my Gamma and one of my female fighters. We are here for Alpha Aston." I replied with the same blank face.

His eyebrows knotted in confusion. I waited for him to speak.

"Alpha Aston is not in the mood for visitors please come another day." He said

"Oh no mister, I drove all the way here to see your Alpha. Now you better let me in and see him or else I will have to use force to get onto your area." I stated in an icy voice.

He took a moment to think and answered with a nod to the other men at the gate.

I shifted my gear and drove through the gates. I followed the path to the house. We drove in front of the i'm guessing the pack house. We got out of the car, we stood in front of the car.I was in front while Lilly was at the right and Katie was at my left. We waited for about 30 minutes until we heard footsteps coming towards the front door. The door opened and Aston came out in dark blue jeans and a muscle shirt on. I can see his eight pack through his shirt. I soon felt an elbow whack into my side. I turned to the attacker and saw that it was Katie. She rolled her eyes and pointed towards Aston.

Aston had a smirk plastered on his face. He knew that I was staring oh gosh.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked

"I said what are you doing her Ashley?" he responded

"Can we talk about this in your office?" I asked

He nodded and turned around. He looked over his shoulder and winked at me. I blushed and walked behind him. The girls were behind me. We walked down hallways and turned some corners until we stopped at a door. The door said "Alpha Aston's Office".

I walked in behind Aston and left the girls outside the door. Aston sat behind the desk and I sat on one of the coach's.

"This room is sound proof so don't worry about anyone knowing what you will have to say." he said

"My pack is going into war." I blurted out.

Aston face became hard as stone.

"Who are you going to be fighting?" He asked

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