"I'll hurt you" I finished for Anthony.

"You don't want to get jumped by Eastview's hottest couple right?" Anthony smirked at the poor Freshman standing in front of him.

"Okay stop it guys" Harper rolled her eyes and dragged the kid away from us and into the kitchen.

"You look nice" Anthony smiled.

"And you look like a delinquent" I stared at him. He was wearing a tux. He would usually look like someone who should be wearing a tux but the black eye wasn't fitting.


"Mom" I groaned. "Can't you wait?"

"No! You guys look so cute! Gemma! Come look at our children!" She called for Anthony's mom.


"Mom" Anthony rolled his eyes.

"This one is going in the slide show!" His mom squealed.

"What slide show?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The slide show Anthony, Gemma and I are making for your wedding" Mom smiled at the camera.

"Wedding?" I all but yelled.

"Mhm" Anthony nodded while looking at the picture.

"What did I get myself into" I groaned and wondered back to my room.

Anthony was always like this. He had spent our childhood teasing me about my hair, crooked teeth, eyes etc. and then when we grew out of that phase he started teasing me by making romantic comments. Like calling me 'Sunshine.' It would make sense that he would step up the game now that we were fake dating.

Finally after an hour of taking photos of everyone, we finally left for homecoming.

"Wait I got you something" Anthony stopped me from walking inside the gymnasium.

"Huh?" I stopped and looked over at the corsage he was holding.

"I know you liked this sorta thing so I got you one" Anthony rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's so pretty" I smiled. "Why didn't you give it to me at the house?"

"Everyone was taking pictures and I didn't want to turn it into some joke about us getting married" Anthony smiled.

"Thanks Anthony"

Homecoming went on like it usually did. Dancing, underage drinking, stupid comments from Anthony, but before I knew it I was getting bored with it. I had that problem. Dances would be fun at first and then it would just get boring and I would just want to leave.

"You're bored aren't you?" Anthony laughed from next to me.

"I'm not" I lied.

"You're making your bored face" He laughed.

"I don't have a bored face" I laughed.

"Yeah you do, it looks like this" Anthony made an ugly frowning face and I smacked his shoulder.

"Come on" Anthony abruptly stood up and grabbed my hand.

"We can't leave!"

"We aren't. We just aren't staying in here" He pulled me out the doors that lead to the football field.

Only a few lights were on so we could see the stars perfectly.

"Wow" I breath.

"I like to come out here to think" Anthony laughed at me expression.

"Wanna dance?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"You wanna go back inside?" I look back at him.

"No. We can still hear the music out here" He smiled. "C'mon"

He pulled me off the bleachers and lead me into the field. And before I knew it, he was twirling me around to the muffled sounds of Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

"You know, Eric is gonna be searching for us" I laughed as he pulled me into his arms.

"You know, Eric is probably making out with Marilyn right about now" Anthony chuckled.

"Eric couldn't even ask her to the dance" I laughed.

"True" Anthony breathed a laugh.

"Wanna hear something weird?"

"Hm" He hummed his response.

"Tara was really nice to me at the football game. I thought she would have been more territorial since we're dating" I leaned back and looked up at him.

"Yeah that's weird" He whispered, staring down at me.

His eyes flicked down before they returned to my eyes.

"Summer" He breathed out.

"Yeah?" I whispered.


"I found them!" I heard Kali yell and I jumped- hitting Anthony's mouth with my forehead.

"Ow" Anthony yelped. "What the hell do you want?" He snapped at Kali and Tanner who were standing by the doors.

"We're going to the party now" Tanner rolled his eyes.

He was going to kiss me. But that was only because he knew Kali and Tanner were there, right? Right?

a u t h o r s  n o t e 

I apologize for not updating!!! I had a lot going on but i'm back! Tell me what you think?

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c a m m i

You Don't Know MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora