Chapter 7: Truth Be Told

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"I want to thank you Mr. and Mrs.King for welcoming me into your home, the food was wonderful." Julius said as he grabbed his coat.

"No problem!" my dad said shaking his hand.

"He's not spending the night? I set up the guest room for him!" my mom said confused.

"He actually lives in Montclair. I was gonna ..." I said while interjected by my mother.

"It's nearly 11 pm, it's too late to be out on the road. I'm sure your family would understand." my mom said looking at Julius, trying to convince him.

He looked at the time on his phone, "It is pretty late, my family wouldn't mind." Jules said looking at me.

"Ok then. I'll show you to your room." my mom said leading him to the guest room down the hallway from the living room.

"I guess it's a sleepover then." I said sarcastically. I went to follow behind them but my dad pulled me to the side, he had that concerned fatherly look on his face again. "I know you have common sense, don't try sneaking off into his room." he said sternly.

"I know the house rules, I promise, I won't break them!" I gave him a pinky swear.

My dad was a man of few words, he didn't say much but whenever he did he made sure you knew he meant it. My mother is the true disciplinary and rule maker of the house, but the only rules my dad has is don't disturb him while he's watching the game and if you ain't married you can't share a bed under his roof.

Andy was the living example of my dad enforcing his second rule for the first time. When Andy and Aaliyah got engaged, she started spending the holidays with us. My dad would force Andy to sleep in the guest room and Aaliyah would stay in Andy's room. But I'm pretty sure I've heard them break that rule once or twice. So just like my brother, although I'd promised to obey my dad's rules, I had another agenda in mind. The entire night I'd been thinking about how Julius kissed my lips and held me close, my body couldn't help but to feel his touch again.


The house had finally settled down. Lex eventually came out the bathroom and plopped herself on the bed beside me. "You better not kick me in your sleep." I said looking at her legs spread across the bed.

"I don't kick." she said falling into a state of torpor which she could never return.

"You don't know, you're sleeping when you do it!" I laughed.

She mumbled something, but I could tell there was no point in asking what she said, she'd fallen asleep. I crept off the bed and slowly made my way out of the room. I quietly moved through the hallway to keep from waking my parents and brother, and tiptoed down the stairs to the living room. I walked down the hall to the guest room and found the light still on. I could see a shadow passing back and forth behind the door. As I got closer I could hear Julius talking to someone on the phone but it didn't sound like he was speaking English.

"Je n'oublierai pas, je t'aime!" I heard Julius say on the other side of the door. It sounded like French. I took one measly French class my junior year of high school and the only thing I could remember was "je t'aime" which means "I love you", but the rest of it made no sense to me. Who could he be talking to in French this late at night, saying I love you?

The moment I questioned who he could be talking to, my shoulder bumped into the door and it slightly cracked open. I froze, took one step back and the hardwood floor made a creek sound. He peeked through the crack and slowly opened the door. "Je t'appellerai plus tard." he said to the person on the phone and hung up. His voice sounded even sexier in French. "What are you doing up?" he said to me.

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