Chapter 13: Sincerity

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"Give me your phone!" Julius said with a stern voice as we entered his dark apartment.

My heart dropped and my body quaked with fear. I feared he already seen what the message had said and who it was sent from. "Why?" I asked nervously locking the phone screen, getting rid of the small source of light, the darkness absorbed the entire room again.

I could barely see him walking towards me but I could hear the sound of his footsteps, they vibrated under my feet. He grabbed the arm that was holding the phone and held it in the air.  "Because you're distracted," he said as he backed me up against a wall. "And not by me." he said as his body pressed up against mine. He pinned my arm to the wall above my head and clutching my jaw to the side. I could feel the warmth of his breath as his lips, slightly parted open, glided down the side of my neck.

My blood began to boil; it didn't take much teasing for my attention to be reverted back to him. I wrapped one leg around his waist to draw him closer to me. There was something about the way he gripped my body that sent me into a frenzy. Within the moment, I could feel my phone vibrate in my hand above us, shining it's bright screen onto our faces. By the vibration I could tell it was another text and by the look on Julius' face as he momentarily gazed at the screen, I could tell from who. The debate rattled in my head again; what was written in our previous messages wasn't a big deal but I still didn't think I should keep it from him. "Can we talk?" I blurted out.

He eased off of me and turned on a lamp standing on a side table next to us. I could finally see the layout of the room now, we were standing in his living room. The wall he held me against had an arch way leading to another portion of the apartment to my right and the side table followed by a couch to my left, opposite it was two arm chairs. We sat down on the couch which was surprisingly comfortable, nothing about the room gave away that a white 23 year old college boy was living here. You'd expect red cups, ping pong balls, and beer stains on the carpet, all hidden around the room. But instead I noticed how clean-cut and organised the room was, not in anyway feminine but classy in a manly way. My eyes continued to wander around the room when they finally made their way back to Julius, he was staring at me with a questionable look.

"Why is Juan texting you so late?" he asked. I preceded to unlock my phone to show him the messages. "Is there something going on I should know about?" he asked again.

I read the most recent message and my heart stopped, I wasn't ready to let Julius know about our brief past. It read, "He's not right for you Roni and you know it. I get that things didn't work out the way you wanted with Maxwell and you needed someone to turn to but why did you turn to me if you knew you didn't want to be with me? You had someone that knew and loved you, and I still love you but you decide to call it off like I was a waste of your time. So 4 years later, I'm still waiting for you, but you decide to fall for some rich white guy you barely know and throw his money in my face when you know how I still feel about you, that's not right."

"Listen," I said before handing him the phone. "Let me explain so there's no confusion. The guy you pulled away from me at the party was my ex-boyfriend, or ex-fuck buddy if you were to ask him. After what happened with Maxwell I couldn't just give all of my heart and soul to someone because no matter what they said or did I couldn't trust anymore. The one thing that seemed real was sex; it was either good or not, there was no way to construe it as a lie. I was in a dark place and Juan just happened to be in the right place but at the wrong time. I'm not happy with what I did to him because I treated him as Maxwell had treated me. He became my fuck buddy and only on my terms, I wanted nothing more but nothing less. But once Alexis found out and I realised how much she liked him, I called it quits because I knew there was someone that could actually make him happy in all the ways he needed. But as easy as that matchmaking might seem, real life doesn't work that way and all of our friendships took a hit. We all promised to just stay friends and I thought that everything was fine for the past 4 years but I guess I was wrong."

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