twenty-eight; number six

Start from the beginning

"Sweetheart, my life is far from perfect," She told her, "It's a mess, maybe not a locked away inside a labratory since birth but its been hell'ova messy. Me and my parents havent had the greatest relationship since Sara died and I guess I havent really been the same since either." Mary admitted, her lips parting, surprised that she was opeening up to the likes of Corina.

The girl was looking at her with that curious look as they walked, "Sara, she was your sister, right?" She asked her and Mary nodded. Corina sighed loudly, "I dont understand the whole family situation or what it's like to have a sibling. To me, I feel nothing over what happened to your sister, I dont even understand what it's like to have one. Or a family. And I'm glad, it seems like a messy bunch of shit with too many emotions."

Mary scoffed, "You're not big on emotions are you?"

Corina pursed her lips, "I dont understand them." She admitted which only made Mary feel sorry for her, which she found she had been doing a lot in the last fifteen minutes. It didnt mean that she suddenly liked Corina, because god she didnt and didnt think she ever would, but still, she felt empathetic towards her.

Corina flipped her hair as she came to a stop, putting her hands on her hips and facing Mary, "So, where do you think your Charlie could be?" She asked, green eyes on Mary whom shifted at her question, not quite sure.

She shrugged, throwing her hands up, "I'm not sure. Where would anyone want to go in a place like this?" She rhetorically asked, but seemingly not understanding the point of a rhetorical question, Corina answered after she looked at their surroundings.

"Somewhere they feel safe."

Mary thought it over, staring straight ahead before her face lit up and her eyes met Corina's again, "Well go on, dont hold back, I already want out of here." Corina demanded, throwing her hand out at her.

"After Sara died when we were little, Charlie used to take me down to the quarry. Even as a kid he was wise, he used to say that it was his special place, that when he's high up looking down everything else was inferrior and only little problems... It became our spot. He always told me it was a safe place." She remembered and Corina stepped closer to her, yet again so close it were as if she didnt understand personal space and after hearing her story Mary realised maybe she didnt.

"Do you have a mental image of the place? I can get us there."

Mary rapidly nodded as Corina held her hands out and Mary accepted them quickly. The dark smoke that looked light a lightening cloud crackling began to form around them, "This is creepy as shit by the way." Mary commented.

"Shhh," Corina shushed her in irritation, closing her eyes in iritation as she tried focusing on the image in Mary's head, "What's a quarry anyway?" Corina asked, opening one eye to look at Mary. She could see various images of places, but she werent sure which the quarry was.

"It's like a clif and theres water really far down. Its so green you can see straight to the bottom." She explained as Corina's brows furrowed together, searching for the image, the shadows continuing to swirl around them and Mary understood why Corina was afraid of them as a child. They were scary.

"Got it." And just like that, Mary felt a whoosh in her stomach before the scenary around her changed and she let out a heavy breath, her insides feeling weak.

Corina was breathing heavily, still holding onto Mary's hands, her nose bleeding again, "Does this always happen?" She asked in concern, nodding to her bleeding nose.

Corina shook her head pulling herself from Mary's grip, "It's this place," She insisted, "There's so much darkness it's making it difficult for me to warp with ease... I'll be fine." She assured Mary, swatting her away with her hand.

Mary looked around, seeing that she were in fact at the quarry, however the ground was dried up and cracked, not to mention the fact there was no water at the bottom anymore, it was just dry land.

Mary spun around, her brows pulled together, "He should be here, this is his safe place, he..." Mary trailed off, suddenly remembering the cave where there was a footpath to inside the cliff before she took off in the direction, Corina jogging at a slower pace behind her.

Mary hoped with all she had that she'd find Charlie down there because if she didn't she couldnt think of anywhere else that he could have been. And if she couldnt find him then was he even alive?

The girl rushed down the footpath, slidding a little on the greasy slime below her feet before she reached the dark cave that appeared to be empty and she reached up, tangling her hands in her hair in distress before she spotted something on the far end of the cave and she squinted her eyes, stepping closer as Corina stayed behind.


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