Chapter 21/ When the Morning comes

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I was really worried because I was all alone, but now I'll have someone to do things with!

I like you Naruto, I truly do!

To the other Moka there is nothing more precious than you. Were she to lose you her heart would shatter.

Whatever it is you tell me, I could never hate you.

I love you and I will always love you.

I love you very much. Never doubt that even if you do things you are not proud of, I will still love you.

I will ask you to trust me.

There's no way I'll consent to do anything, so what is there to be so afraid of?

I love you.

He opened his eyes to find himself standing in a cemetery. "Well this is familiar at least." He glanced at the nearby tombstones.

'Here lies Morioka Gin, brutally murdered by a jealous man.'

'Here lies Morioka Gin, who died in fire.'

'Here lies Akashiya Moka, murdered by the one she professed to love.'

He looked about. "Why am I here? I didn't want to talk to you!"

But you did human; you called on me for help. And I will help you.

The ground all around him began to shake. As he watched the cemetery began to sink and fall away. To his horror all the ground in front of him began collapsing and sinking. Soon the shaking stopped. He found himself at the very edge of a massive pit. Looking down he could not see the bottom, all he could see was what looked like endless darkness.

"What the hell is this?"

You already know. This is what you truly want. You understand don't you human?

He took a step back from the edge. "No…" he took another step back. "I don't want this."

Yes you do. Somewhere inside your heart you have always wanted this. Embrace your destiny; this was fated to happen from the moment we were joined together.

"No!" He shouted. "This isn't what I want! All I ever wanted was…"

Love? He could hear the Kyuubi's laughter rumble from out if the pit. Is that what you want?

"I love you." A sweet and familiar voice spoke.

He turned around. "Moka?"

She was there not fifteen feet from him. Her clothes had all been tossed aside; she was lying on the cold earth beneath one of the tombstones. Lying on top of her was an equally naked Gin. He stood there and just watched as Gin penetrated and began to thrust in and out of her. He heard her gasp as he first entered her, and then he heard the familiar groans and cries as she began to really enjoy what was happening. He was intimately familiar with those sounds, hearing them had always made him happy, always excited him. But now…

"Stop it," he whispered. He wanted to look away but couldn't. Her groans began coming faster and getting more desperate. He could see the look on her face. "Stop it."

"Moka-chan!" Gin called.

"Gin!" she cried out joyously as she began to climax.

Hearing her call out another man's name like that cut him like a knife. "I SAID STOP IT!" White hot fire poured out of both hands and consumed them. They both managed to just begin to scream before they were silenced. There was only the slightest whiff of burning meat. The fire was so hot it turned them to ashes after just seconds.

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