i take you as my

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"So Yukari couldn't help?" Moka asked.

"No, I'm afraid it turns out the book she gave me was the only one her family had that focused on ninja. Apparently witches don't have much interest in jutsus or chakra."

"Was she curious why you were asking about seals?"

"A little bit, I covered myself by saying I was interested in any books she had that touched in ninja abilities. She seemed to accept that."

"Does it bother you at all that we're telling so many lies to our friends?"

"Not really," Naruto admitted. "I've had to lie about almost everything since the day I left Konoha. Frankly, I've told so many lies over the years it's being honest that seems weird." He shrugged. "Any way in the ninja world being deceitful isn't really seen as a negative, unless you're lying to your own superiors." He glanced out the bus window at the total darkness they were traveling through. "So are you sure this place is safe for us to visit?"

Moka nodded enthusiastically. "Of course it is! It's absolutely safe! Just don't talk to anyone, and especially don't make any promises or agreements. Where we're going you will be held to your words even if they aren't what you meant."

The bus came out of the darkness and onto a high plateau. "Here we are," the bus driver called out. "I hope you find what you are looking for. Please be careful when exiting the bus." He looked directly at Moka. "So you will not need me to return you?"

"Oh no, thank you bus driver–san." Moka said.

"Wait a minute," Naruto spoke up a bit nervously. "How are we supposed to get back?"

"No need to worry young man," the bus driver said. "She knows the way."

Moka stepped off the bus first. The instant she did so she was surrounded by a demonic aura and quickly transformed into her adult self.

Naruto was caught completely off guard by this and stared at her as the bus pulled away. "Nani?! But you still have the rosary on. How can you change?"

The adult Moka gave him an amused look. "I see the other Moka neglected to mention there are some powerful magics in play on this world. They are far more powerful than the magic used in the rosary. So long as we are here in this world the rosary's power will be suppressed."

"Hmmm, well I suppose that's a good thing. I mean it's a lot safer being with this version of you."

"True," she answered. "Let's head towards Azkarra."

Walking side by side they headed towards the settlement out in the distance. As they traveled Naruto was surprised to note that Moka seemed to be in a rather pleasant mood. That should have been enough to tell him he was in trouble.

"So you are a liar." She said in an agreeable voice.


"On the bus, did you not say that you lie so much you find being truthful strange?"

He looked over at her feeling a bit worried. "The way you say that you make me sound like a dishonest person."

"Are you not?" Moka asked. "As someone who constantly tells lies are you not by definition dishonest?"

"Now hold on, it's not like I had a choice most of the time. For someone like me the truth can be dangerous. Besides when I went to Tokyo I was given a cover identity and I had to lie."

"But you often lie even when you do not need to." She gave him a meaningful look. "Have you ever lied to me?"

No, he meant to say. "Yes," he did say. What the hell?! Why did I say that?

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