The Great Lord Kyuubi

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"Boring, boring, boring," he muttered to himself. Moka had told him she would need to spend the next few days sleeping so he hadn't been surprised when she wasn't there to work out with him. What had surprised him was that he'd grown so used to having her there with him. He'd spent years working out alone after Iruka got recalled. He'd always been fine with it. But now he found himself missing having her there beside him. The morning workout just wasn't the same.

Of course there was something else on his mind. He'd barely gotten any sleep last night. He'd been thinking about Moka's gorgeous pale body and the feel of her skin as he'd slowly slipped off her clothing. He'd thought about that wonderful pressure as she'd leaned into him. He thought of delicious scent and of the warmth of her breath against his skin. He thought about the way she smiled at him. Never the big open smiles that teenage Moka gave him. The adult Moka had these slight grins and smirks that always seemed to hint at more.

He loved teen Moka, he loved her warmth her openness and her kindness. But it seemed that her adult version kept praying on his mind. There was something about the older Moka that just drew him in. She was powerful and fearsome and he always felt that he had to earn what he got from her, she was a challenge.

Being so drawn to the adult Moka he almost felt as though he were being unfaithful to the younger version. He knew that wasn't the case since they were both the same person, and shared the same memories. Still, he felt a little guilty at being so into the adult Moka. "Is it possible to cheat on a girl with the same girl?"

He shook his head. This was pointless; he couldn't do anything about Moka right now anyway. There was something that he could deal with however. It was something he'd been avoiding for a long time. But now he would face it head on. He sat down beneath a tree in the lotus position and shut his eyes. He calmly began to meditate and focus inward. All right you damn fox; the warden wants to have a word with you.


Naruto found himself in the middle of a vast cemetery. Well I wasn't expecting this. He got up and began walking around to try and find the fox. As he searched he glanced over at some of the tombstones.

'Here lies Uzumaki Naruto, murdered by the people he tried to serve.'

'Here lies Uzumaki Naruto, unloved, unmourned, and forgotten.'

'Here lies Uzumaki Naruto, whose death was a source of great joy.'

All the tombstones were similar, all of them recording some tragic end. "You know," he shouted. "I go to a school filled with monsters and I've had an entire village hate my guts. If you want to scare me you'll have to do a lot better than this."

From somewhere up ahead of him laughter rumbled. Oh don't blame me. Everything you see here comes from your own mind. There was fresh laughter. I'd say you have a poor outlook.

"Yeah well having a demon inside your guts will do that to a guy." He followed the sound of the voice to a large decrepit mausoleum. The entrance was barred by a rusted iron gate with a single paper seal placed on it. Beyond the gate there was only darkness. "I want to have a talk with you."

I imagined that you did human. After all this is the first time you've called on me. But really, shouldn't you be thanking me first?

"Thanking you?!" He shouted. "For what? Destroying my life? Making my whole village hate me? Killing my parents?"

Two large orange eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness behind the gate. For giving you power when you needed it.

"I'm not thanking you for that! So far as I'm concerned that's the very least you owe me after all the grief you've caused."

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