Appearances can be...

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Even though Naruto spent most of the walk to the academy staring at Moka's beautiful face he did manage to notice a few things that were a bit odd. For one thing even though it was still morning the sky was overcast that it almost seemed like night. Just on the other side of the tunnel it had been bright without a cloud in the sky. He also noted that the academy seemed to be surrounded by a series of graveyards. Again and again as they walked they would pass a number of tombstones, and far more disturbing, human skulls. He had no idea what the local customs or religious beliefs might be but he couldn't think of a reason to leave human skulls sitting out unburied. He thought about pointing some of this out but decided not to. Moka seemed oblivious to what was around them as she eagerly told him about all the things she was hoping to do here in school. It was such a novel experience having a beautiful girl talk to him that he decided not to do anything to ruin it.

As they got closer the appearance of the academy itself began to bother him. The academy was a single large building located on a high cliff. It reminded Naruto of nothing so much as a haunted mansion in some old black and white horror movie. He imagined that some old rich guy must have donated the building and lands to the school. No way would someone actually design a high school to look like this. As he and Moka approached the main entrance they joined a stream of other new students, all of them wearing the same uniform and looking about as if a bit lost. Seeing the other students actually put his mind at ease a bit. He'd started wondering if somehow he and Moka had gotten completely lost and were approaching someone's weird idea of a manor.

As he and Moka were herded towards the auditorium for the entrance ceremony the two of them got separated. She looked back at him and waved shouting she would find him afterwards. He waved back weakly as he watched her get swallowed up by the crowd. Well that's it. I'll probably never even see her again, or if I do she'll have a dozen guys around her. A cute girl like that isn't going to have any trouble making friends. He let out a depressed sigh and found a seat. At least he'd gotten to spend about twenty whole minutes alone with her. It had been nice while it lasted.


Following a long and boring speech about adulthood and the need for organization and hard work and blah, blah, blah Naruto had escaped to try and find his home room. He was relieved to find that the interior of the academy was nothing like the outside of it. Everything looked clean and in good repair, the hall ways were wide and well lit. He didn't have too much trouble finding his home room. Inside were the familiar little wooden chairs and desks he'd used back in middle school. On the large blackboard the teacher had scrawled a huge, 'welcome.' All around him the other new students were talking excitedly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He'd been the class clown and prankster back at his old school, he was sure he could wear the same mask here. He just needed to fit in for the next three years and pass his courses.

Not long after sitting down the home room teacher arrived. She was a young blonde woman with glasses and a weird hair style; two tufts of hair were sticking out almost like a pair of furry ears. She smiled at them and called on them to quiet down. Naruto's very first impression was that she seemed like a typical ditzy blonde, but nice enough.

Once the class had quieted down she introduced herself. "Hello everyone and welcome to Youkai academy! I am your home room teacher Shizuka Nekonome. I think you all already know this, but this is a school built for the sake of monsters to attend!"

And with that a boring, 'welcome to the school' speech became something else. Naruto sat up and actually began paying attention. What did she just say? He glanced around the room to see everyone else take it in stride. Is it me or is everyone in here nuts?

Meanwhile his teacher pressed on. "Now as you all know the earth has already come under the control of the humans! In order for us monsters to continue to survive, we have no choice but to continue to peacefully coexist with the humans. At this academy, you will be studying, 'How to coexist with humans!"

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