Chapter 20/ Just for Tonight

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As they neared the girls' dorm Gin decided to run his gambit. "You know Moka-chan you really are quite an amazing girl. I mean aside from your obvious beauty you're also very intelligent and have a very interesting viewpoint on things."

Moka smiled and blushed at his compliment. "Arigato, Gin-sempai."

He suddenly stopped and took a hold of both of her hands. "Moka-chan," he looked down into her innocent green eyes with sudden soul searing passion. "Please I beg of you, join the newspaper club! I need someone with your energy and quick wit. I know you would be a huge asset to our club and would have a lot of fun as well! Please Moka-chan! Join the newspaper club so that we can work together side by side like true friends should!"

"Nani?!" His sudden request caught her completely and totally by surprise. "But, but, I'm already in the martial arts club."

"That is not a problem; students can be in multiple clubs."

"Ah, I don't think Kenpachi-sempai would allow it. He's very strict on attendance and I have already missed a number of sessions. He would definitely not be all right with me splitting time between two clubs."

"I see," Gin said sadly. "Do you really enjoy the martial arts club then? I would never try and take you away from something that brought you joy."

"Well…" she had memories of running multiple laps around the school and of constantly being thrown to the mat by Kenpachi. "I don't really enjoy it, but I get to spend time with Naruto-kun while I'm there."

"Really? Is that the reason you joined? To spend time with him? But from what you tell me you have two classes with him as well as home room. You also work out in the mornings with him. You take vacations with him. You even study with him at night. (Note: Moka has not mentioned anything about her sex life or where Naruto normally spends his nights.) It seems you spend a great deal of time with him. Would not being in the same club really be so bad?"

She hesitated. "Well, when you put it like that maybe, but…"

He gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hands a bit. "Come on, I'm sure that if Naruto is as thoughtful and caring as you say he'd want you in a club you'd enjoy. Doesn't interviewing people and writing reports sound more interesting than doing exercise?"

"It does sound intriguing," she admitted.

"Then you'll do it?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes.

She thought about it. It really did sound like it might be fun. She slowly nodded. "Yes, I'll do it."


She entered her apartment and kicked off her shoes. "Naruto-kun? Are you here?" When she got no answer she glanced at her clock. Because of Gin she was back later than usual. Normally Naruto would already be here studying. Well, he was probably running late too. She decided to get dinner started since he would probably be dropping by any minute.

As she began to cook her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten all day. That thought reminded her of the way Naruto had refused to let her have some of his blood. Not only had he refused to do that he had largely ignored her in class and not even asked to walk with her once it was over. She couldn't understand why he had acted that way. She would definitely ask him about that when he came over.


Kuyou stood there watching. When Naruto had been late to their training session he had assumed that the idiot had once more skipped it. But instead he'd shown up about an hour late demanding training. For whatever reason he seemed extremely motivated tonight. He looked as Naruto stood there transformed and surrounded by his demonic cloak, two tails swinging about. Out of the middle of the cloak and arm shot out. It traveled thirty yards where a clawed hand formed and easily crushed a boulder, reducing it to fragments.

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