Fire and Ice

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Kuyou stared, not believing. But there was no denying the power he felt, it was definitely the demonic aura of a youkai kitsune. The aura was not that strong; his own true form possessed four tails and was far greater than what he was sensing. There was also the fact that despite the physical transformation the person standing in front of him reeked of humanity. But there was something else in the scent, a bare fragment that was buried beneath that human stink. It was the scent of a kitsune. Illusions could fool the eye. Voices and sounds could be copied. But there was no way to recreate a living scent.

"My family has long served in the royal court," Kuyou said carefully. "If you are truly the great Lord you would know my lineage."

Naruto smiled. It was seriously weird speaking with the fox's voice. It was even stranger to be hearing the fox in his head. He was acting as a translator, giving the guy he'd just summoned the answers he was hearing in order to convince him.

I know you Rikyo Kuyou, son of Keitaro, your family has served me well and faithfully. Now I call upon you to continue that service.

No human could know his clan name or the name of his father. He fell to his knees and cast his face down. "Great Lord I am your humble servant. Command me and I shall obey."

Then listen well and hear how you shall serve me. I am bound within the flesh of this human. It is my wish that he learn the ways of the kitsune and grow strong enough to wield my full power one day. Instruct him and protect him. Treat him with all the honor and loyalty as was shown to the mighty Cadmus.

Kuyou looked up, and there was understanding in his eyes. Naruto got the very definite feeling that he was missing something. "My Lord Kyuubi I understand, and I shall fulfill your wishes."

Inside his head he heard the fox laughing. Then I trust you will serve me well.

Naruto felt the voice in his head fade away. The red chakra disappeared and he transformed back to his normal form.

Kuyou got up to his feet and came forward. "What is your human name? I will not refer to you as Lord Kyuubi." His manner was polite but stiff.

Naruto answered carefully. "I am Uzumaki Naruto."

"And tell me Uzumaki-san, how did the most powerful of all youkai kitsune end up a prisoner in a human boy?" The tone remained polite but the eyes flashed with emotion.

"Sixteen years ago the Kyuubi…"

"Lord Kyuubi!" Kuyou snapped.

Naruto looked up at the tall fellow with the flowing blonde hair. "The Kyuubi," he repeated. "Attacked my village. The most powerful ninja in the village was able to defeat him by sealing him into a human newborn, me."

"I see," Kuyou replied courteously. "Well that does explain why the great Lord has been away for so long. We all knew he was not dead. For so long as he lives no other youkai kitsune can gain nine tails. You must feel most honored; many humans worshipped members of my race as gods. That is what the great Lord Kyuubi is to us, a being of such might and majesty as to be almost godlike. I hope you understand the rare privilege you enjoy being joined to such a divine presence."

Naruto looked at him blankly. "How about we leave my feelings for the Kyuubi out of this. I was told you could give me instruction in how to access the power inside me safely and at will."

Kuyou nodded. "I will teach you the same lessons I learned as a kit. Despite being human you should still be able to access the power so long as Lord Kyuubi allows it. In time, you will be able to access greater and greater amounts of it. Until the day comes you are able to draw the full limit."

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