Chapter 12

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The Jesse twins couldn't believe that the village was under attack. They saw some of the people trying to fight back against the attackers, and they couldn't believe who it was that was attacking the village. It was Calvin's group of bandits. They must've come to steal the amulet, knowing that Female Jesse and her group weren't going to give it to them if Beth's group stopped them.

Despite how Beth told them not to help, the Jesse twins pulled out their weapons. They weren't going to flee the chaos and instead help. Female Jesse heard a woman scream as one of Calvin's men tried to attack her. She quickly rushed in and slashed the bandit, killing him, and all that was left of him was his inventory.

"What's happening?" she asked the woman.

"Bandits! The same ones who stole the staff! They're attacking again," cried the woman.

'Calvin already has the staff... it must be that cane we saw him walking with back at his house!' thought Female Jesse.

"Get to safety. We'll help fend off the bandits!" she told the woman.

The woman nodded her head and said, "Yes, and thank you for your help..." She quickly rushed off.

Female Jesse rushed in to help some people fend off the bandits, while Male Jesse ran to Beth's house.

He saw that Beth was fighting a bandit, but the bandit knocked her back. Male Jesse gasped. He rushed in, and before the bandit could stab Beth, he stabbed the bandit. The bandit dropped dead and despawned. All that remained of him was his inventory.

"Beth, are you okay?" he asked her.

"Yes. But why didn't you flee with your friends?" asked Beth, as she stood back up.

"Because we're the Order of the Stone. We do what's right, and what's right is helping your people defend against these guys," said Male Jesse.

Beth pulled out an iron sword.

"Thank you," she said.

The two of them rushed out of the house and into the fight. They quickly stopped some bandits from attacking some children.

Back at the restaurant, Ivor and Harper rushed outside. They saw the chaos in the village and were horrified to see what was going on.

"Gosh, this is worse than Sky City..." Ivor whispered.

"What?" asked Harper.

"Nevermind!" cried Ivor. He saw that one of the bandits was throwing some lit TNT and the restaurant. He quickly grabbed Harper and pushed her out of the way, before jumping out of the way himself.

The TNT hit the building, exploding, but at least no one got hurt. The bandit tried to run over to Ivor and Harper, but Harper quickly pulled out her bow and fired an arrow. She hit the bandit, causing him to fall over and despawn.

Ivor heard a little kid crying. He saw that one of the bandits was going after a kid. The bandit grabbed the kid and started to shake them violently.

"Hey!" Ivor shouted. He pulled out his gold sword and rushed in.

The bandit saw him, but before he could pull out any weapons, Ivor pulled him away from the kid, before taking him out with his gold sword.

The little kid stopped crying, but they looked scared.

"Harper, get out of here! Take him to someone from the village so he's safe! I'll help hold off the bandits!" Ivor shouted at her.

"But Ivor-" Harper started to say.

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