Chapter 8

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Ivor and Male Jesse headed to the library. If they were going to track down this mysterious amulet, then they would need to figure out where it was located and how to get to it. It was quiet in the library. A few people were there, but none of them really talked, or even made noise as they got up from their seats and walked. It was like it was dead silent, which made Ivor and Male Jesse feel a little uneasy.

"It's like a ghost town in this library, even with people..." Male Jesse whispered.

"It's creeping me out..." Ivor agreed with him.

They headed to the history section and started to go through the shelves. There were so many books, it could take a while for them to narrow things down. To try to narrow down their search quicker, they checked the titles of the books to see if there was the word "amulet" in any of them.

Male Jesse and Ivor found a few books, but as they skimmed through them, they couldn't find anything about the amulet Calvin wanted them to find.

"Can I help you two in anyway?" a voice quietly asked them.

They turned around to see the librarian, an elderly lady, standing by them.

"We're trying to find out any information on this amulet," said Male Jesse. He pulled out the picture of the amulet that Calvin gave them, and showed it to the librarian.

The librarian became quiet when Male Jesse showed her the picture.

"I'm afraid that you can't find information about it here," she said.

"What? There's no books about it?" asked Male Jesse.

"Well, there used to be books here, but ever since these bad people came to our town and set up a fortress north from here, we removed all books on any historical artifacts. We refuse to let any outsiders know about such things," said the librarian.

'The bandits...' thought Male Jesse.

"Well, we're kinda just trying to study it, but we need information urgently. We don't want anything to do with it. We just want to study it," he said, doing his best to not state why.

The librarian smiled sadly and said, "You two are nice people, but I'm sorry. You can't find any information about the amulet in this library. If you want to, I can tell you of another town that has a library that may contain information that you seek, but I can't guarantee that they'll have it."

"Anything is better than nothing, so please," said Male Jesse.

"I'll be right back," said the librarian.

She turned around and headed to her desk.

"She's not going to help us, isn't she?" Male Jesse whispered to Ivor.

"Yep..." said Ivor. He sighed and said, "We may never find out about that amulet..."

"Psst! Psst!" they heard someone whisper to them.

They turned around to see and saw a teenager with thick glasses looking at them.

"You're here to learn about that amulet?" he whispered to them.

"Yeah..." said Male Jesse. He formed a confused look.

The teenager looked over his shoulder and checked to see if the librarian was looking. She wasn't, so he pulled out a book and handed it to Male Jesse.

"Here. You can find some info in here. I come here every day. I wrote some notes in here about what I read in books before they were taken out," he whispered.

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