Chapter 2

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The next morning, the new order woke up to find it raining lightly outside. It was a little chilly, so everyone decided to bundle up and have a cozy day inside the temple.

While the others were making breakfast, the Jesse twins left the temple and headed to Ivor's house to try to deliver his gift really quick. When they arrived, they still didn't get any response like the day before.

"He must still be at Crown Mesa. Maybe we should leave it here on his porch," said Male Jesse.

Female Jesse shook her head and said, "Someone might take it, and if they don't, then it might get soaked in this rain."

"Yeah. Good point. I guess we'll come back a little later," her brother said.

The twins left Ivor's house and headed back to the temple.

"I wonder when he'll be back though. He never stayed away overnight," said Male Jesse.

"Well, I'm sure he's okay," said Female Jesse.

The twins returned to the temple. When they made it back into the kitchen, they saw Lukas and Axel arguing over something.

"Fighting over the last cookie, again..." Male Jesse said with a sigh.

A little later, it was still raining outside. The rainstorm ended up shifting into a thunderstorm, which spooked the group (except Axel and Petra). To try to relax, the group started a fire in their fireplace and tried to watch a movie, but the thunder outside was very unsettling.

Eventually, the thunders stopped, but it was still raining. Some townsfolk came to the temple and informed the new order that the thunder struck some places in town.

The new order quickly got in their armor, and gathered some materials that Lukas had. They headed out into town, despite the rain, and helped the townsfolk repair the damage so that it was temporarily fixed, until they could go back out and gather the regular supplies.

"Man, the thunder sure hit a lot of places," said Petra.

"At least it's over. Hopefully the rain clears up by tomorrow," said Axel.

"How much longer until this is done? I'm freezing in this rain!' said Lukas.

"We're almost done. After this house, I just want to do a quick sweep around the town to make sure nothing else is damaged," said Female Jesse.

Once they were done, everyone except Female Jesse and Lukas headed back to the temple. Lukas and Jesse walked around town to make sure nothing else was damaged. The townsfolk said that there was nothing wrong with their homes and businesses, but when they passed by Ivor's house, they saw that it was struck by some lightning.

"We better fix that hole in the ceiling for Ivor," said Lukas. He pulled out some blocks.

"Right. I don't want him coming home to find his house in shambles," said Female Jesse.

They climbed up the vines and to the front door. Only thing was, there was no front door. It was also missing because of the lightning. Lukas and Jesse headed inside and patched up the roof. Once that was finished, Lukas crafted a new door to put up for Ivor's house.

While Lukas was fixing the door situation, Jesse looked around Ivor's house. She spotted a couple picture frames sitting on Ivor's bookshelf. She smiled as she looked at them.

One of them was Ivor with Gabriel, Soren, Magnus, and Ellegaad. It was taken after Ellegaard returned to their world when they searched for her during the universe adventure. Soren insisted that they take the photo and each save a copy, to remind each other that even though the Ender Dragon thing was a little difficult to let go, the five of them were always friends no matter what.

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