Chapter Two.

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We decided to walk after school, chaeyoung was dragging his bicycle with him and sana accompanied us all I was thinking about it is jeongyeon, I found myself smiling and touching my hair continually until I noticed that my name tag is not on my jacket.

"Hm? Where is my name tag?" I was searching for it but I didn't find it. I pouted and looked at chaeyoung, this is was the first name tag I took from the school, I am good at keeping stuff so I was sad that I lost it.

"It's okay they can make a new one for you" chaeyoung comforted me.

"You two don't look like each other" sana said staring at us.

"We are not siblings we are cousins" he replied and she looked shocked "But we are like a brother and sister"

I nodded and eventually, we arrived at the compound  we live in and what a coincidence, sana's parents live in the same compound, they are in block C while we are in block B... They moved from Japan to here a few weeks ago. We bid our goodbyes and I went to the grocery shop to buy some snacks and candy, I like to eat while studying. We ate lunch and I sat on my bed reading that Korean text, solving that math equation and doing the chemistry exercise uh~ I hate school. I grabbed the jelly and started to eat, my mom came nagging about my father that always make the house messy and leave his shoes anywhere and I just listened to her while nodding. This is like my daily routine. I brushed my teeth and laid on my bed and checked my Facebook account.

0 Friends request, 0 Messages... And thanks mom for liking my cover picture. I turned it off and closed my eyes to drift to a deep sleep.


We met sana near her building waiting for the bus to come I feel that she and chaeyoung might be a good couple.

"I read some articles about the company your father works at it's really famous" he said.

"Yeah, he is so smart especially in management"

"You must be their spoiled daughter" he teased her.

"Uhm not really, actually" she muted a bit and I can see sadness in her eyes "We try to save money, my little brother is paralyzed and he needs surgery"

"Sorry to hear that" he said softly.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled "It's okay he will be okay"

I and chaeyoung exchanged stares, poor her she probably suffers a lot. Eventually, the bus arrived, I sat beside dahyun to make chaeyoung and sana sit beside each other. I was sitting silently after I felt someone tapping on my head I turned my head and found jimin smiling at me.

"What do you want?" I scoffed.

"Where is your nametag?" he pointed at my left boob, is he a pervert? I hid my breast with the jacket and looked away.

"I don't know"

"You lost it? Stupid" he pinched my nose and his eyes met chaeyoung who was glaring at him, jimin sighed and sat back. I hope he will stop roam around me because it's suffocating me.

We had math in the morning, I was concentrating on the board when I suddenly heard some screams coming from the field. My lips parted when I saw jeongyeon in the P.E class, he was wearing shorts and sleeveless top. I found myself checking him out, he is not hairy and he is so manly. He looks serious while playing and exercising. I almost cursed his friend as he hit him accidentally by mistake.

"Momo!" the teacher yelled "Come and solve this equation!"

I nodded and got up... Luckily I solved it right or the teacher would've killed me.

Through the years [ Jeongmo | Sachaeng ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang