It All Begins With A Choice Pt. 2

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" We need to give her a blood transfusion stat".
The doctor had suggested to the surgeon I could barely hear a thing, all I heard was ringing and trying to keep my eyes open.... "She lost a lot of blood.. quick get her to a room". The doctor said to the nurses and I see a blurred Prince in my slight glimpse of him I can read his lips slightly as he is really saying "Baby keep your eyes open". As tears from his eyes fall down on my hospital gown.

The one nurse quickly put towels under neath me and the other hooked me up and gave me fluid..... the pains I had felt in my lower abdomen were excruciating... it felt like I was getting stabbed multiple times and the pain just sat there making everything worse..... me constantly bleeding every where , Prince was on the opposite of the hospital curtains and I simply did not want him to see me in this state.

My babies.... my poor babies..... they are in so much pain and I feel so helpless right now but I have to keep a strong mindset for Denise and our baby and remain strong, I slowly walk up to the curtain and I hear Denise whine in agony and I clinch my fist up and pass around the room.

2 hours past (after the transfusion)

"Alright now we are going to get you changed and have your husband come in her and keep you comfortable ". As soon as she said the word husband I had at all no clue as to what she was talking about but in the state I was in I was sedated.... anyways... The nurse had said as she helps me up to get cleaned up and change the nurse had told me to get adult diapers because it will take a few days to a week for the bleeding to go down and to have a towel at all times and stay in bed, after I was filling well enough to go home.

Prince came around from the hospital curtain and I sat in a chair and cried very hard.... it was the hardest I've ever cried, Prince stared at me in sadness but kept trying to hide he came and sat next to me and said "Baby.. it's okay ... all over ". "No it not.... they couldn't tell you what happened so..." Prince had cut off my sentence and said with a concerned look on my face and said " Tell me what ?".

Denise hesitated to tell me what was going and what she had to tell me but she sat there and just let out one single breathe as if her heart had suddenly stopped and the suspense was killing, Denise had said" We lost the baby".

The hospital room was filled with silence and not a peep was made....... we lost our child..

*A complete turn of events, I want to add that this exact experience has happened to me and my heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child, my heart sincerely goes out to you also want to add that I wanted this chapter to very personal btw but I sincerely hope you all enjoyed* xo💜

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