Are Little argument

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Hey bet u guys didn't expect two in a day right? We'll u got 2 so enjoy it!!

Please :)
Anyway on to the chappy


Me and Jeff had been walking through the forest for some time. Every few minutes he'd look for his knife and then sigh before catching up with me.

I bet you're wondering we're his knife is..Well I'll be happy to tell you.


"Why did it have to be me!" Jeff complained as he said the phrase for the tenth time.

"Look I didn't ask for this either so would you mind shutting up before I have to make light work of you."





"Try it you puny computer geek!"  Jeff yelled

I sighed as I quickly sent some cords after him only for them to be cut by his knife. Unknowingly to him though I snuck a chord under his foot and trip him. I used another to grab  his knife and throw it across the forest.

"..."Jeff started to say something but got cut off. "If you shut up the rest of the way I'll get u a butcher knife at the mansion" . That seemed to work.

*Flashback over*

The mansion was coming into view and I couldn't be happy enough to get away from Jeff. when we got inside we were greeted and sent to the kitchen to see slendy.

"Hello boys."Slender said

"I have a job for you"

Well that's a rap for this chapter I'll see ya guys next time and don't forget to..

Review,vote,and read to your hearts content


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