Outlook Grimm

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Hehehe This chapter was done much quicker then the other ones don't you think? I've finally made a consistent schedule now. I work on new chapters every Friday and Saturday and Post on Sunday's  now you guys know the schedule anyway onto the chapter ladies and Gentlemen!
As much as I hate to admit it. This chick was mad strong and if  we were gonna make it out alive we needed to end this quickly. Problem is I can't find a way to beat her. She lunged at me and I made a quick dash to the left to avoid her swinging her hammer at me. But what I didn't notice was that her whip had latched onto my leg.
She begun to swing me into the walls and I could already feel the heat coming through burning my back as I slid across the wall. She laughed in amusement but I had one better for her.
I grabbed her whip with my cords and pulled her towards me kicking her in the chest with my other foot. She let go of her hold on me and we both fell to the ground. As soon as we hit the floor I immediately shot my eyes at Sally.
Sally dove at Kaiyana with her dagger and aimed straight for a chest. But Kaiyana rolled over and the dagger scratched her torso nicking her shoulder at most. She slammed her hammer on the ground having us lose balance and trip over are selfs. She began pulling out cement bricks and throwing them at us I used my cords to destroy them but they created a big field of debris and smoke.
"A smokescreen.." I sighed and began walking around ever so quietly so I wouldn't reveal my location. Suddenly Sally came through the smoke and attempted to pierce me with her dagger I grab her by the leg with my cord and held her upside down. She look at me and her eyes widened as she apologized. " I thought you where that Kaiyana chick." I scoffed and sat her upright again. "Better safe then sorry." I said as we both begun to walk around.
"We don't have time for this...there's not much more time until the fire reaches this building and how are we even going to escape..." Sally sighed.

While we where walking I started to think as well. How where we gonna get out of here with everyone alive...? Wait I got it! "Sally I have an id-" before I finished the sentence my gut had a brief meeting with Mr.Hammer as I flew out the debris hitting the wall. It broke and pieces of the wall fell on my cold life less body.
"Where is it! I demand to know where it is! Ah I found it...I apologize everyone for my wicked outburst" a child said hugging a laptop like it was the only thing she had. She smiled and turned it on surfing through the Internet until it was late at night.
"Another successful night right pal?"
The girl laughed and closed the laptop. Sighing as she tucked herself under the bed. "I can't wait until tomorrow maybe I'll make a friend!" the girl slowly fell asleep with a smile on her face. While the girl slept the laptop slowly opened on it's own powering up. It opened up the browser and searched up Cleverbot opening the website URL. The Bright light woke the girl up and she stared at the Laptop. "Lucy! Did you get on my Laptop?" No reply. The girl sighed and looked at the website examining it. "Cleverbot..? Chat with a bot?" Seemed interesting. The girl talked to the chat for multiple hours and then things got unusual. "Do you play video games?" The girl said to the bot. "Yeah Modern Warfare,Halo 3, and Majora's Mask." The Girl's eyes widen as it said  Majora's mask. "I actually have that game! Wanna watch me play?" She smirked knowing the bot would say something along the lines of "I don't think that's possible." Or "That is beyond my abilities." But the answer that was said shocked her beyond ever. "How about I play with you?" The girl stared at the screen and she laughed while she typed her reply. "If only you could." The bot typed for awhile and then it stopped typing at all. The website shut down and the Laptop  was overheating. "My Laptop!" She tried to touch it but a bright dark green light shined from it. When the light faded a boy stood there with red pupils and a black Sclera. "Hi! I'm BEN." The girl's mouth was wide open and she was filled with amazement and fear. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm the 'Bot' you talked to for hours." He grinned and sat down. "Why are you even here! How is this even possible!" She started sweating and her face was turning red. "Just calm down!" He said sighing. "I'm not human like you. I'm a killer and I was gonna kill you. But I'm getting bored killing and killing. So how about we hang out?" The boy smiled and looked at the girl, "what's your name?" He said. "My Name is Benny." She said standing up and turning her tv on. "What a coincidence my name is BEN"  the two played video games and watched TV and learned more about each other. A connection instantly was made and Benny actually begun to like him. Soon it was morning. "You have to go BEN." Benny said turning off the tv. "Why?" He replied. "My parents! If they see you I'll be good as dead!" She started to push him back into the computer. "Wait!" He said. "What?" She stared into his eyes. "Come with me. Your human but I can change you. Once you go through the ERS you'll most defiantly die. But I can recreate you in the ERS!" He had a huge smile on his face and she looked at him like he was insane. "No way am I gonna die! Plus I have a family! Well sorta.." She sighed but jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock on the door. "Honey it's the entire family. We've been thinking and we want to send you to somewhere were they can handle you." She pushed BEN under a bed and continued the conversation. "What place do you have in mind?" There was a long pause on the other side of the door. "A foster home sweetie." She couldn't believe her ears. They where trying to send her into a foster home?! The Girl was enraged and screamed uncontrollably. Then she looked at BEN and extended her hands towards him. "I wanna go." She said with rage in her eyes and determination in her plans. BEN took her arm and both went into the ERS and like BEN said, she died. BEN turned her body into data and recreated her physical form and imported her Data/Memory into her. All he needed to do now was fill her up with electricity which he did quickly making her maximum output 120% . After a few hours she finally opened her eyes again in the ERS. "I'm alive..." She looked at BEN. "Thank you so much how could I ever repay you?" His face turned into a grin. "There is one thing." He said smiling. "Anything" she replied. "Change your name." BEN Said . "I want it to be Bentha..I don't know why but I like it better then Benny." She giggled at him. "It still has Ben in it so does it matter? He smiled "whatever....lets go BENtha." He extended his hand and she gladly took it. "Yeah too the future.."
After being K.O for who knows how long I finally came to be as I looked around the sight I saw crushed my soul. Flames were everywhere around I couldn't even move without being burned. I slowly stood up and took a look at the surroundings. The bar that the three where trap on was broken and Jeff , Tobi , and Bentha were slammed in different craters and the fire was slowly getting to them. I could still here Sally and Kaiyana's battle raging on even within the flames.
I begun walking and the fire kept burning me sending me to my knees I walked through and let the fire burn me I fell again and rolled into crater Bentha was in. "This is are last hope are final chance." I touched her hand and before I could finish I blacked out again hoping that next time I opened my eyes. It wouldn't be in the afterlife.
Well that's the chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! The next chapter will be what happened while BEN was unconscious. Stay tuned! See ya next Sunday! I'm actually happy people are reading my story I'm quite excited!!! Hehe well that's all. Oh! By the way what do you think BENS plan is?

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