Electric Spark! The battle that'll decide it all?

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This is gonna be super long omg..my fingers broke making this chapter! lmao. Well I hope you guys enjoy!
{Recap} BEN's P.O.V
I crawled my way over to Bentha cradling her in my arms. My body was still sore from the the swing Kaiyana had given me. The thought of it begun to make my sides hurt again. No time to think like this I have to do somethings or we are all going to die.... The fire begun entering the crater and I started to shake Bentha awake.

"Huh...?" She begun to stir and turn before she finally opened her eyes and looked at me. When she saw me her eyes lightened up with excitement..but then she saw the situation and whatever light she had in her eyes was now gone. "Are we gonna die?"  She said looking directly at me. I grabbed her hand and looked her straight into her eyes. "I can't say we are going to live...I can't guarantee that...but I can promise that we will beat Kaiyana.." She looked at me and nodded..

"Bentha, ever since I made you like me I finally had a friend just like me...who understood my situation. Someone who cared. Now of course these feelings weren't as noticeable at first but they were there. Now we have a chance for a future." I stood up grabbing her hand pulling her up. "But if we want that future we will have to become one. She looked at me confused. "Become one?" She said noticing the fire get much more closer. "It'll be temporary a few days at least then you'll attempt to regain physical form. We will have to be in ERS for you to regain physical form though.." I looked around the fire touching are feet.

"Let's do this." She said determination in her eyes. I grabbed her hand twirling her around and when she finished twirling I pulled her in are lips connecting In a full fledged hug. The fire fully engulfed the crater as a bright light came from it revealing only Us in are prime form. "Maximum Output...500%"
{Recap Over}
Prime BEN P.O.V
"I wonder how long you'll be able to fight before you inevitably die!" I did a jab at Kaiyana's cheek and kicked her away causing her to  stumble back a bit. I begun charging some plasma in my Hand uppercutting Kaiyana out of the building. I dashed at her and kicked her onto the roof of the building, But she rebounded herself and landed softly on the roof.

"You've gotten better I see.." She said as she smirked. "But the real battle begins!" She dashed at me kicking me in my gut. I retaliated by grabbing her leg and throwing her further into the air sending Plasma bolts at her. The first two I sent managed to hit but she caught her balance and dodged the rest of them. I dashed at her and we begun an Aerial brawl. She kicked me in the stomach and I followed up by punching her in the Face. She did a quick spin with her tail slamming into me having me hit my  own plasma barrier, I made my Cords thinner so they could move quicker, I shot them at her wrapping her up in a cocoon of sorts. 
I grabbed the Cocoon cords and begin shooting electric volts into it. You could here immense grunting which slowly turned into screeches. I then released the cords and did a roundhouse kick to her gut sending her flying into the plasma Barrier shocking her body.

She leap at me grabbing my face slamming me back into the ground pavement. I swung my legs around her and threw her off me rolling to my side. I got up sending more bolts of plasma at Kaiyana as she flew and dodged them all. I then placed my hand on the ground taking every ounce of electricity out And transferring it into my body.
Narrator P.O.V
Prime form BEN and Kaiyana were now in a heated battle going back and forth. Blow for blow in a intense fight to the death. Prime BEN dashed at Kaiyana kicking her in her side and slamming her into the pavement. Kaiyana quickly got up and flew at Prime BEN again with quick speeds. They both begun another aerial battle. Prime BEN threw a barrage of punches at Kaiyana. Kaiyana also threw a barrage as well making shockwaves and powerful winds in the plasma barrier. Prime BEN Teleported behind her and kicked her back making her stumble forward a bit. He then grabbed her tail and threw her further into the air.

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