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Heys guys this will be the longest chapter because there will only be so many more after this. So let's just get right into it.


Are you kidding me...This guy? He was the creepyPasta Catcher?!
Something I just felt it. It didn't add up..But if he was. He knew where L.J was! "Where's are Friends!" I stood up pushing Astrid back a few steps. Funny. Calming Jeff down I got angry myself. "Hey hey..Let me explain. You can have your friends back. They where just some research. I was quite fascinated about them a while back but now I have no interest for them." Astrid Sat down.

Astrid's P.O.V

Good. All I need is for them to trust me. This will lead them closer to there demise...Those idiots don't realize Atros was just a Diversion? So it would seem I needed them? Wow. So gullible.

"I guess I should take you guys to your ( or you're) friends now right?" I stood up. Walking towards the direction of the trap.
This will be the end of them all of them. My eyes glowed with anger. Even you. Slenderman.


"I still don't trust him BEN!" Jeff said. "I agree with Jeff , He could be leading us into a trap." Bentha said with a eye of concern. I stood up flipping my emotion switch. "Look. Your compliance isn't really a factor. Slenderman Gave us a mission and we are here to follow it. I will reach dangerous lengths to get this mission done." Then Jeff stood up pushing me down. "What the hell man?! You don't decide anything for us! Your no group leader! And even if you where I wouldn't listen to you!" I looked hurt for a minute but I remembered. We still aren't the best of friends. "Shut up you sad excuse for a fighter!" Jeff pushed me again. "Atleast I didn't scream like a bitch!" I pushed him back as well.







"ENOUGH!" . Is that...Yup my suspicion was confirmed when I turned. "SALLY?!?" She grinned and we where befuddled. "What are you doing here?" She laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know." Bentha shook her. " yeah that's why he asked!!" Sally got dizzy and fell back a bit.

"Okay okay! After you two left I maybe followed you guys. Look I wasn't gonna be left again okay!"

She pouted and began laughing. "Now if he has are friends we are fine. But if he's lying. We'll just destroy him and ever part in his body." We all grinned manically laughing.

"Now let's go."

-Back at Slender Mansion-

"Has anyone seen sally?" Slenderman sighed the girl was suppose to stay inside but lately she has been wandering around a lot....He has had TWO tracking teams get her..which they had to kill but let's not get into that.

"Oh yeah she just left." Jane said sharpening her dagger and knife.

"What?!? When?" Slenderman looked surprised.

"Ugh...a day or two?"



"Right!" We all followed Astrid as he finally gotten up and began walking. I sighed as this was one weird adventure so far but something was itching in the back of my..

"DUCK!" Jeff yelled pushing us all down as a white light slash came from no where. "Astrid. What did I tell you about luring them into traps. If where gonna kill them do it. Now. " A female figure came from the sky as she slowly descended.

"I knew we couldn't trust him." Jeff had brung out his knifes while everyone else prepared for battle as well.

But then everyone started falling...Jeff..Toby..Bentha..all three of them..

"It finally kicked in.." Astrid said standing.

What? What could have- The Medicine! It was a type of poison!

"Sally. There Poisoned. Move them away from the battle field."

Sally obliged and scotted them back. I sighed again. A weird habit for me. "Its been awhile."

"Since I've last turned my switch on."

Blood started driping from my eyes as they reverted back to the red pupils and darkness around it. My previous clothes had went back into my link clothing. I brought out my Pixalated Sword again. "Eheheh."

"You've met with a terrible fate...Haven't you?"

"You knew what would happen."

A Dark aura and electricity engulfed the sword.

"You shouldn't have done that."

With those words I rushed.

And I Swung.

Laughing Jacks P.O.V

Pain..It hurt like a bitch. The past days? Months? No..it couldn't have passed so quickly. But who knows how long I was in here.

My left arm was gone. I was missing a ear. I still can't even see straight. This sensation.. This pain. It felt great. I could t wait until I could give It back. Give it all. Back.

"Eheh." "Ehaha" "Eshishishi."

???? P.O.V

"Go." A Figure said

"He won't last long." Another did.

"We should save them?" One last said.

"No. We have to think they can do something on there own."

"There facing against the Computer Slaughterer BEN!" Another said

"Silence. Us 12 will study. When it is time to strike we will. Until then." I sat up and looked back into the monitor.

"We can wait. A few more years."

"Yes sir."


This is far from over. I will not rest until there dead. The whole lot of them of course.

With this blade of hatred. They'll see.

You won't take the 12 forbidden.



Alright guys that's it for this chapter I only made it longer by 500 word (I suck) but you can count on me to actually get the next chapter out before FRIDAY because my bro is getting married so I guess I can leave you guys with that. BTW some people have PM'd me asking if I made the title wrong.

This is a L.J X JEFF THE Killer so no matter who Jeff or L.J Messing around with they are the main pairing. Okay?

I want hmm.. 10 votes and 3 comments before Friday.

Have fun!

Love Is Terrible (Laughing Jack x Jeff The Killer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن