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Another Chapter has arrived! Enjoy!!
Sally's P.O.V
"BEN!!" I screamed as I watched him disappear in almost in instant. I heard him grunt and I begun to run were I believed the impact was. But that wasn't the case, when I exited the smokescreen Kaiyana was there with her Hammer and Whip ready for action. "It looks like your friend won't be able to share his information..." She smirked and launched her whip at my leg. I jumped in the air and rolled over the whip and dashed at her with my dagger. I did a quick slash at her rib but she blocked with her hammer and smacked me into a wall.

I grunted in pain as I broke threw the wall and fell into another room full of fire and flames. I grabbed my dagger and did a slash at my wrist having blood fall onto the ground. The blood turned pink and started bubbling and forming something. When it was finished there were two dolls. I walked back into the rooms with the Dolls following me. "This is Marzipan and Lily, Feel free to say hello as you die..." I dashed at Kaiyana and slashed her in her thigh causing her to fall on her knee. She swung her hammer at me which I flipped over. I looked at Marzipan and it morphed into a pile of blood. I pushed my speed to the max and begun to push her back into the blood. She kept trying to defend but the hammer was too heavy to continue to swing back and forth without consuming a lot of stamina. She fell back and her foot was placed on the blood. "Now!" I yelled throwing myself on Kaiyana as we both fell into the pile of blood. Marzipan transformed into its doll form again impaling Kaiyana and me in the rib.

"SHIT!" Kaiyana yelled grunting in agony as she lowered her heard. Marzipan begun to rapidly stab us both and I couldn't hold the pain much longer. Kaiyana's whip somehow found its whip around my leg again and she threw me off of her slamming me into the pole Jeff,Bentha, and Ticci were on. I looked at them as they looked at me. There eyes showing pain. I grabbed my dagger and slashed through the chains freeing them as they fell to the ground. Bentha and Ticci stood up but Jeff was cold on the ground him barely looking at me.

"Can you guys fight a little more? I understand if you guys can't." Bentha wrapped a cord in multiple spirals making an Arm-Blade. Ticci took out a axe from his sweater and even Jeff got up with his butcher knife wobbling on his feet. "Maximum output okay guys?" They nodded. "CREEPYPASTA FIGHT!" We all dashed at Kaiyana attacking her simultaneously. Jeff slashed at her Rib while Ticci slashed at her arm. They both connected and put in a deep gash on her body. She was worn out as she backed up holding her arm out. Bentha rushed past us and attempted to pierce Kaiyana in her chest but her cords disappeared as she fell right in front of her. She was passed out in front her feet. Kaiyana raised her Hammer up and slammed it down of Bentha.

"BENTHA NO!" I yelled as a crater was made in the ground with Bentha laying in the middle of it. Ticci and Jeff both attacked Kaiyana in combination giving her multiple slashes on her arms,face,legs, and on her back. Soon Kaiyana became angry and swung her hammer a full 180• and made craters for both off them as well. Kaiyana dropped her hammer and stood back up. "Looks like I can't hold it anymore." She said as it broke as soon as it connected to the ground.
"I'll have to use my final resort." Kaiyana said as her whip transformed into a rapier of sorts. It was green with thorns and quite skinny and small. I assumed it was light seeing as she was able to hold it perfectly. She ran at me and begun rapidly stabbing at me, like she was fencing. I jump back and the thorns in the rapier came off each stabbing me and exploding when in contact. "!!!" I couldn't even make a noise as it took me so by surprise. I slid on the ground and hit the wall. She jumped at me and was about to stab me but the room suddenly became filled with flames blocking her path to me.

I looked around and say the whole room was filled with flames at this point and by the looks of it. There was no way we were gonna survive. BEN was unconscious. Bentha,Jeff, and Ticci were also unconscious and I couldn't hang on much longer my vision was even getting dull. No..I have to fight! I turned Marzipan and Lily back into blood and begun to re-absorb them healing me a little. The wounds on me were still terribly bad but I could see again clearly.

I threw my dagger at Kaiyana grazing her cheek as it fell into another room somewhere. "Looks like your only weapon is gone...." Kaiyana said smirking as she begun to walk towards me ignoring the flames and walking through them. I stood up running at Kaiyana with my fist clenched. "I might not have my dagger....but I have two fists and I'm not scared to use them!" I hit Kaiyana in her stomach and axe kicked her into the floor. Kaiyana slid down and swept me from the ground. Having us both fall on the floor. She tried to grab her rapier but I jumped on her punching her in the cheek. She punched me in the eye having blood start to leak. I wiped some of the blood from my eye and had it leak into Kaiyana's eye. "My eyes!" She said as she locked herself off of me.

I ran after her rapier but before I grabbed it the flames engulfed it. Kaiyana grabbed my hair and threw me away from her rapier. She looked a her rapier and I could sense that she was filled with immense sadness. "My babies!" She screamed as she tried to grab the already melting rapier. I went into the crater Jeff was in and grabbed his butcher knife. "It's time for her to go to sleep...I'll be borrowing this Jeff." When I came back up from the crater I could barely see because of the flames. Kaiyana came running through the flames and punched me squared me right in the jaw I flew into the flames having the knife fly off somewhere. The flames immediately touched my shirt and pants I ran out ripping the clothes off of me. Honestly if we weren't fighting I'd be way embarrassed wearing my bra and panties to fight someone.

We both ran at each other both punching and kicking each other. She slammed me into the ground and kicked me away having me skid to the ground. "Normally I would be mad but you and your little friends showed me a great time! Now allow me to show you a treat!" She got into a stance and the ground started shaking. Her dark aura becoming more visible. Her eyes pure white. Wings came from her back and the scaly outfit she wore turned into a dragons tail with demon claws. "This is my limiter form. You'll die here and I'll come back the new leader of the 12! AHAHAHAHAH."

I tried to stand up again but I was too weak. The fire soon surrounded me about to reach. "Looks like I won't even have to land the final blow." Kaiyana smirked turning away slowly walking out. I lowered my head. "I guess we are going to die." I accepted my fate as the fire started to engulf my skin. But before I screamed the fire in the room disappeared and a loud explosion was heard. Standing before me was a silhouette. It walked towards me. As it advanced I noticed a Electricity pouring from him around him. "BEN...?" I asked still wary. "No I am not Ben. I am Plasma B.E.N" he picked me up grinning. "Ugh stop playing you idiot! How did you get the fire outta here?" I asked looking around. "I simply put a Plasma barrier around this building..I then absorbed the flames inside of here." He put me down and looked at the now Intrigued Kaiyana. She grinned and got into a fighting stance. "Here I thought I killed you with a swing of my hammer..." They both dashed at each other punching each other in a way someone would fist bump. They created a shockwave knocking me back. "This will be the final battle...Kaiyana." She smirked at him also. "I couldn't agree more."
Well that'll be the chapter. I'm going on vacation so next Sunday there won't be a chapter but I'll make it up to you with a super duper long chapter. I'll have to recap so you guys know how BEN got his awesome form but....ANYWAY see you guys later. Comment your thoughts on this chapter also! See you guys later!

Love Is Terrible (Laughing Jack x Jeff The Killer)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora