Episode 41: Race Ace - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"The longest we can give you is 2,000 meters," Susie said.

"All right, 2,000 it is then," Escargoon wrote down. "Next question, what kind of race cars do you prefer?" 

"Like the ones we have! Mm-mm!" Dedede replied.

"Can I draw it out for you?" Escargoon asked. 

"Sure, you can," Susie said.

"All right then," Escargoon said as he drew out the car. It was extremely sloppy. "Next, how many audiences will be there?" Before Dedede was able to answer, "I'll just write 200."

"Hey! What about my suggestion?!" Dedede said angrily.

"You don't even know how many people there are in Cappy Town," Escargoon said. Susie tried hard to not laugh. "All right, next question," Escargoon started to continue to fill out the document.

"What?! How many questions are there?!" Dedede asked.

"There should be about 35, your majesty," Susie replied.

"Why is there too much?!!" Dedede bellowed.

"I need that much information so that we can get you a perfect race track that you need," Susie replied.

"I can't take it no mo'!!" Dedede complained and stormed out the room and slammed the door behind him.

"I'll just fill out the document with my opinion," Escargoon said.

"Go ahead," Susie said. "Jeez, it's not like he is filling out the form."

"I need to teach him to write," Escargoon said. "I only taught him how to read."

Susie sighted with frustration and put her hand over her eyes and forehead.

"Well, I think I just finished this," Escargoon said and sent the documents over.

"Hmm... hmm... mmm..." Susie mumbled as she read through the documents. "Well, yes, you have everything I asked for. I'll send you the workers right away. Payments will be available after the construction, which will last for an hour or two."

"Thank you," Escargoon said. 

Susie sent the workers right away. They looked exactly like the ones who built the golf course and the rocket.

"Are they the same workers?" Escargoon asked.

"Yes, they are all engineers and architect, they can pretty much build anything," Susie said. "I'll keep this transporter on until they are done with building your racetrack."

"Thank you so much!" Escargoon said. 

"Don't forget to tell me who's going to be in the race," Susie said. "And make sure Kirby will be in the race.

"Gotcha! By the way, can you be the announcer for the race?!" Escargoon suggested.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Susie confessed. "Some cappies may remember my face, and some may know my identity. Especially Meta Knight."

"It's fine!" Escargoon insisted. "Come on, please~" His eyes started to shimmer like a pond reflecting the sunlight. 

Susie let out a sigh and said, "Fine, I'll do it."

"Yes! You'll be the best announcer ever!" Escargoon cheered.

"Oh dear... hope this turns out alright," Susie said.


After the racetrack was built, Dedede made Waddle Dees pass out flyers that recruited racers. 

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