Episode 28: Sleep With Fishies~

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Tiff, Tuff, Fololo, Falala, Iroo, Honey, Spikehead, and Kirby were hanging out in beach with Kine. Tuff, Iroo, Honey, and Spikehead were collecting shells.

"Whoa, this shell is huge!" Iroo said as he picked up a conch.

"This one is beautiful!" Honey said as she held a pearl oyster shell.

"Heh, I really like this one!" Spikehead said as he picked up a porceletta.

"Look! We can hide ourselves in this one!" Fololo said to Falala as he held up a large clam shell.

"Oh wow! That is so cool!" Falala said, amazed by the size of the large clam shell.

Tiff and Kine were talking about different living creatures under water. Kirby sat next to Tiff as they were discussing about the underwater creatures. "So there are such thing like this under water?" Tiff asked as she pointed at the Anglerfish on her book.

"There is," Kine replied. "They're pretty aggressive."

"I really want to see all these creatures in real life," Tiff said as she flipped through the pages and examined the images of different sea organisms. 

"You are interested in everything, aren't you?" Tuff said.

"Oh, be quiet," Tiff said. "It's good to be interested in a lot of stuff."

"Poyo," Kirby said.

"She's right," Kine said. "I'm glad she's interested in ocean stuff!"

"Poyo!" Kirby said.


"Escargoon! I'm bored!" Dedede screamed out of boredom.

"Well, screaming like that is not gonna help, sire." Escargoon continued to dust. "Well, if you are bored, why don't you clean up your own room? It's much more fun than you think!"

Dedede hammered Escargoon's head with a mallet. "Don't you order me around! I'm the King here! Get to cleanin' and find me something fun to do!"

Escargoon sighed and walked to the bookshelf. "Here sire, why don't you read this one to educate yourself?" He handed a book about marine biology to Dedede

"Ma-rine bi-o-lo-gy. What's that?!" Dedede asked.

"It's about what's living under water," Escargoon replied. "Why don't you brush up on your reading skills as you read this?"

"Gimme that!" Dedede snatched the book out of Escargoon's hand and skimmed through the first page. "Hmm... hmm... Escargoon! Get meh some potater chips and tea to mah room so I can read!"

"Yes, sire," Escargoon said. "Waddle Dees! Chips and tea for the King!" Waddle Dee took the order and gathered more Waddle Dees to get chips and tea for Dedede. 

"Hey~! This stuff is interestin'!" Dedede said as he read the descriptions of each and every living creatures under water. "Hey~" Dedede quickly went to Susie.

"Yes, your majesty, what can I help you with?" Susie asked.

"I want me an aquarium in ma own castle! Pronto!" Dedede said.

"Aquarium?" Susie asked.

"Yeah! I want me some sharks, dolphins, and a lot of other pretty sea creatures!" Dedede ordered.

"That's an interesting request," Susie said. "Well, I might have something so that we can build you an aquarium with different sea animals and creatures. But this would be very costly, even more costly than golf course you ordered last time."

"I can afford that!" Dedede demanded.

"But more importantly," Susie said. "I don't feel okay giving you an aquarium..."

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