Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)

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"Hmm... I wonder if there are any alien or creatures similar to aliens in the outer space," Tiff said as she was reading an astronomy book in her library.

"Maybe, there would be," Tuff said as he was reading comic books about aliens with Iroo, Honey, and Spikehead.

"Aliens sound interesting, I want to see them too!" Fololo and Falala chanted together simultaneously.

"Poyo," Kirby said as he looked at cook books.

"I wanna see an alien," Iroo said.

"I'm scared," Honey said.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Spikehead said.

"But guys, we don't know if they're real or not," Tiff said.

"Meta Knight would probably know," Fololo said. Kirby paid closer attention when Fololo mentioned the word 'Meta Knight'.

"Hello," Meta Knight came in, as if it was planned.

"Hey, Meta Knight! We were just talking about you!" Falala said.

"Me? For what?" Meta Knight asked.

"We were just wondering if you knew if there are aliens outer space," Iroo said.

"Hmm..." Meta Knight said. "I wouldn't label them as 'aliens' per se."

"You mean that there are some different forms of creatures outer space?" Honey asked.

Meta Knight nodded.

"Ooh! Can you take us there?" Spikehead asked.

"Hmm..." Meta Knight said.

"That's okay," Tiff said. "If it's may be a burden, you don't have to take us. They're just curious and speaking nonsense."

"I see," Meta Knight said.

"But I really want to go!" Tuff said.

"Me too!" Iroo said.

"Me three!" Spikehead said.

"Count me in!" Honey said.

"Don't forget about us!" Fololo and Falala announced simultaneously.

"Poyo!" Kirby also wanted to go.

"Well, if you all really want to go..." Meta Knight said. "Maybe we shall. Just take the smaller spaceship."

"Yay!" Everyone cheered.

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby said.

Meta Knight went to his secret hideout to get his UFO. "Hop in everyone," Meta Knight led everyone in it.

"Whoa! This is so cool!" Spikehead said.

"I've never seen anything like this before!" Honey said.

"I only saw this in comic books," Tuff said.

"Very interesting. I wonder how you can build something like this, Meta Knight," Tiff complimented.

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby was just having fun.

Meta Knight started to activate the UFO. "Any requests?" Meta Knight asked them if they wanted to go somewhere specific.

"We really don't know anything, so take us anywhere safe," Tiff requested.

"I agree with Tiff," Fololo said.

"Me too," Falala added.

"Any other suggestions?" Meta Knight asked.

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