Episode 40: This Robot's on Fire~

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Kirby was learning how to clean the Robobot Armor from Meta Knight. "So you wipe the dirt of the arms like this, and you clear the fog on the glass like this," Meta Knight explained as he demonstrated the method of cleaning and had Kirby do the same thing after him.

"Poyo," Kirby answered.

"That completes our lesson today, good job Kirby," Meta Knight complimented as he caressed Kirby's head.

"Poyo poyo~" Kirby always liked that.

"Also, remember," Meta Knight said. "When you're in a big trouble, always go for the Robobot Armor. It will always be here in my room."

"Poyo," Kirby agreed.

"Feel free to go outside and play if you'd like," Meta Knight said.

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby cheered as he went outside. 

Meta Knight examined the Robobot Armor. "Interesting..." Meta Knight said as he examined the Robobot Armor. "No rusts... This must be a precious metal. I wonder which one..."


"Escargoon! Where you hidin' at?!" Dedede's demanding once again roared throughout the castle. 

"Oh... there it is again..." Escargoon said as he let out a deep sigh. 

"EscarGOON! Why aren't ya answerING?!" Dedede's voice contained more irritation. 

"Coming, sire!" Escargoon ran to the balcony where the voice came from. "What can I do for you, your majesty?"

Dedede was tanning his skin. "Bring meh something tuh eat! Better not be a sandwich this time!"

"You're say that you want something fancy for lunch?" Escargoon asked.

"Whachu think?!" Dedede said. "Now fetch meh some fancy food fo' lunch!"

"Yes, sire!" Escargoon quickly ran to the kitchen. "Waddle Dees! His majesty wants new fancy food! On the double!"

"Escargoon, sir!" Waddle Doo's voice came from behind. "There's no more meat in the supply room!"

"What? Then what are we supposed to do?" Escargoon asked.

"Hmm, that's uh, I don't know," Waddle Doo replied.

"Then what do the Waddle Dees eat for their meal?" Escargoon asked.

"Leftover bread and fruits, that's about it," Waddle Doo replied.

"What about those fancy food they have been eating for a long time?" Escargoon asked.

"We're out of them too. We have to go grocery shopping," Waddle Doo said.

"I don't have time for that!" Escargoon said. "Oh what are we gonna do? Susie might know what to do." Escargoon quickly went to Dedede's throne room to contact Susie.

"Well, hello there, Escargoon sir," Susie said. "You've been contacting me more than Dedede lately."

"I must serve him fancy food for lunch, and we have no ingredients," Escargoon said.

"Then go to the grocery store...?" Susie said.

"We have no time for that! You know he has a temper!" Escargoon said.

"So you want me to get you a robot that serves fancy food almost instantly?" Susie asked.

"Yes!" Escargoon said.

"I may have just a thing..." Susie said. "But the usage can be very tricky since we have not fully advanced the machine yet."

"Send it to us anyways!" Escargoon said desperately.

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