Episode 86: Pilot Episode

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"I hope Core Kabula would teach him a hard lesson," Susie said after she finished collecting the reports. "And if she has time, getting Tiff would also be very convenient for me."


"Is someone talking about me behind my back?" Tiff asked.

"Why?" Tuff asked. 

"My ear itches," Tiff said as she scratched the inside of her ear canal. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if someone is," Tuff said. "You're always a pain-in-the-butt."


"GAAAAHHHHH!!!" Dedede screamed as he pressed on the gas pedal so hard that he nearly glided through the the road while Gordos were following after him. 

"Was that his majesty that just drove off?" Tuggle asked. 

"Who cares? It's none of my business anymore," Escargoon answered as he continued to mop the floor. 

"What are things that are chasing him?" Tuggle asked. "They look like a large steel ball with steel spikes."

"They're probably called 'karma'," Escargoon said as he placed the mop on the wringer, squeezed all the water out, wet the mop again, and continued to mop the floor. 

Normally, citizens of Cappy Town would freak out about the large scary-looking airship and large scary-looking spike balls, but since none of them were chasing any of them, they did not care. In fact, they were really happy that the ones that they were chasing was Dedede. 

"I wonder what he did for an airship and the spike balls to chase after him," Mayor Len Blustergas said. 

"The real question is, which one?" Hana asked. 

"It's about time someone punished him," Chief Bookem said. 

"Didn't you arrest him once?" Buttercup said. 

"Serves him right," Samo said. 

"I predict that he will be punished greatly," Mabel said. 

"Why is it so peaceful in the castle today?" Tiff asked as she was walking around the castle. 

"It's because Dedede's not here," Tuff said. 

"How do you know?" Tiff asked. 

"One of my viewers said that he's been driving around Cappy Town with an airship and steel balls after him," Tuff said. 

"Oh," Tiff said as she cared less about it. "Let's go to Tuggle's store to buy some ice cream and see how Escargoon's doing."

"Let's go!" Tuff said. 

"Poyo! Poyo!" Kirby cheered. 

"Hold on," Meta Knight said as he appeared in front of them, hanging upside down. 

"Gah!!" Tiff and Tuff flinched. 

"What brings you here, Meta Knight?" Tiff asked.

"That's Core Kabula," Meta Knight said. 

"Core Kabula?" Tiff and Tuff asked. 

"It's a destructive airship," Sword Knight added. 

"That thing can cause a great damage to the town again," Meta Knight added. 

"Experia stupefia," Blade Knight said. 

"He's right," Sword Knight said. 

"So? They're not attacking us," Tuff said. 

"They're from Haltmann Works Company," Meta Knight said. 

"Let's go destroy it!" Tiff said. 

"Why did you change your mind all of a sudden?" Tuff asked. 

Kirby Right Back At Ya! Season 2: Haltmann Works CompanyWhere stories live. Discover now