Episode 72: Octopus Game Part 1

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A/N: WARNING!! This episode MAY contain the famous "Squid Game" spoilers. If you don't want to be spoiled, please be noted!!  

I'm Korean, so it's appropriate for me to do a "Squid Game" parody. I planned this episode as soon as it came out, I was just busy trying to make other episodes possible.

Also, this made me laugh my butt off:

Also, this made me laugh my butt off:

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Let this person think this way lmao. They aren't humans and this person is stressing out that I ship two non-human characters. At least my fanfic is more popular than their fanfic :P My first episode has more reads than his Kirby fanfic. 

By the way, there is no such thing as bad publicity! ;) 

The was a television series called "Octopus Game" from a different channel that everyone fell in love with and could not stop watching. It was so good that even Tiff was binge-watching it. 

"Ah-ha!" Keyhole, the main character of the show, cheered proudly as he held up the perfectly cut umbrella-shaped dalgona. 

"Player 456, success," a woman's voice came through the speaker. "Time is up. If you did not finish, you are all out.

"Aww..." all the other contestants groaned. 

"Now that I passed, I have more chance of winning that money and getting back to my daughter!" Keyhole said to himself under his breath as he exited the game room. The episode ended after that line.   

"Wow, this series is really good!" Tiff said. 

"You FINALLY like something," Tuff said, who was watching it with her.

"Excuse you," Tiff said sassily as she held her hand up to Tuff's face. "I DID  enjoy Pappy Pottey and The Game of Hunger."

"True," Tuff said. "Oh well, this episode is over now. Come on! Lemme play my video game!!" Tuff said. 

"All right, all right!" Tiff said as she excused herself from the television. She watched Tuff set up his console, camera, monitor, and headset to start his live video. "Hey, there! TuffStuff here!!" Tuff said as he grabbed his controller. "Today, as I promised in the last video..."

Tiff rolled her eyes and shook her head as she headed into her own room. As she sat in her room, she tapped her pen on the desk. "I need to write a good story like that so that it becomes really famous..." Tiff said to herself. "Octopus Game is really fun... I wish I can be part of it."

...They said be careful about what you wish for...

Kine the fish was swimming near Cappy Town peacefully until he realized that the swarm of fish was swimming away from a certain direction. "Huh? What is going on here?" Kine asked himself as the swarm of fish was swimming away as fast as they can. 

"Swim away!!" the fish screamed in fear. 

"Swim away from what...?" Kine asked himself as the fish passed by them. He then looked at the direction where the swarm of fish was swimming away. A large, round silhouette was crawling towards him. It had eight tentacles and Kine immediately knew what it was. 

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