Episode 13: Outfought Robobot

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President Haltmann evilly chuckled as he looked at his newest invention. "My turn..." He said as he cleaned his invention.

"What do you mean your turn, Mr. President?" Susie asked.

"I'm gonna fight those two Star Warriors with my newest invention," Haltmann said as he chuckled.

"After seeing what happened to Galacta Knight?" She asked.

"But do they know about this new robot I built?" Haltmann asked. "This is the first one ever in this universe!"

"It's probably not a good idea to present you weapon now," Susie warned. "Dedede barely ordered and robots to attack Kirby."

"But I know this will work," Haltmann said. "And if they win, there's not much guarantee that they'll learn anything from their victory."

"If you say so, Mr. President," Susie had no choice but to obey. Haltmann evilly chuckled, which turned into evil snicker, which turned into evil laughter, which then turned into evil crackling.


"Cheers!" "Poyo!" "..." Tiff, Kirby, and Meta Knight said as they clinked their glasses together for the biggest victory before eNeMeE. 

Instead of taking off his mask, Meta Knight sipped it through the open part of his mask, which was his eyes. He was practically used to eating and drinking with his mask on. It's just even more convenient for him to eat and drink without his mask on. He just took the mask off when he was with Sword Knight, Blade Knight, and Kirby. Whenever he took off his mask, everyone would insult him by saying that he is indescribably adorable despite the fact that he is supposed to be the best-trained Star Warrior. Sword Knight and Blade Knight wouldn't insult him since he's their life savior. And Kirby... because he's Kirby. Kirby has a right to know everything about him.

"Meta Knight," Tiff said. "Why don't you ever take off your mask? I'm so curious."

"Hmm..." Meta Knight just sat there, without saying anything. He didn't know what kind of excuse he can think of. 

"Kirby, are you curious?" Tiff asked.

"Poyo?" Kirby pretended that he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Have some cookies, Kirby," Meta Knight said to distract him.

"Poyo!" Kirby replied happily. Instead of inhaling the whole thing, Kirby took one and savored it. He wanted Meta Knight to have some too. Plus, he also found a joy in savoring food instead of inhaling everything at once. Of course Tiff was happy that Kirby learned to control himself, but she had to admit that she was on a stage of starting to miss Kirby's inhaling all the food. She would just let him do that in certain circumstances.

Meta Knight stepped out for a minute. He gazed upon the stars again. Galacta Knight... He thought as he gazed upon the stars.

"Poyo," Kirby tapped him on his shoulder armor, and handed him a cookie. Meta Knight modestly chuckled and took the cookie. Instead of eating it, he held on to it. "Poyo, poyo?" Kirby asked.

"I do no-" Meta Knight started, but looking at Kirby's face. he immediately changed his mind. "Okay, I will." he inserted the cookie through the opening of his mask. Meta Knight smiled, only Kirby was not able to see it. "Thank you Kirby."

"Poyo!" Kirby said happily.

Looks like Kirby and Meta Knight are much friendlier than before, Tiff thought as she sipped her tea and crunched the cookie.


"What?!" Dedede asked. "You wanna take care of them this time?!"

"That's right, your majesty," Haltmann said. "You may have not expected this request, but I must see their talents myself."

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