Episode 19: Varie-Tee of Waddle Dee

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A/N: There might be people who misunderstand because I upload the Ratatouille and Moana fanfiction consistently while I upload this fanfiction randomly. The thing is, I have like up to 57th chapter as a draft in Google Docs and on Wattpad since I started that fanfiction last year, six months before I joined Wattpad. As for Moana, which I started 3 months before I joined Wattpad, I uploaded 8 out of 17 chapters I already wrote. While this, I'm starting from scratch, just writing this with the idea that I wrote down. Just so that you guys don't misunderstand, I love all my fanfictions equally, whether they are Disney, Pixar, We Bare Bears, and Kirby. I want them to have good amount of views, votes, and comments. So I'm trying my hardest to entertain people with my imagination and creative writing skills, which I'm expanding as I continue to write to let out my obsession. Thank you for your understanding and support. I will continue to do my best to please you.

Waddle Dees were peacefully sweeping the floor in the castle hallways, guarding the castle, cooking for Dedede, gardening, doing laundries, and serving the king.

Six Waddle Dees were sweeping and dusting the throne room when the transporter turned on and sent over a large machine gun looking thing labeled 'big'. Curious, the Waddle Dees walked over to grab it. They passed it around until one accidentally pulled the trigger on to the other Waddle Dee. The laser shot at the Waddle Dee, the laser surrounded it, and the Waddle Dee became bigger. The Waddle Dees started to panic and one Waddle Dee holding the laser gun shot the other one, and then that Waddle Dee turned big.

While they were still panicking by the guns, another gun labelled 'bandana' came through the transporter. Now even more curious, the other Waddle Dee grabbed it and shot the laser at the other Waddle Dee who was holding the other gun. That Waddle Dee now had a bandana on its head. They started to be more amazed now.

Then, more and more guns have came through the transporters with different labels. The labels were 'gold', 'armor', 'puppet', and 'sailor'. One Waddle Dee shot itself with 'gold', and the other one shot it with 'armor', and the other one shot itself with 'puppet'. One Waddle Dee turned gold, armor appeared on one Waddle Dee, and one Waddle Dee turned into a puppet. Then one of the big Waddle Dee grabbed the 'sailor' one and shot itself. Its size shrunk and received a sailor hat. All six Waddle Dees looked at each other, grabbed one gun each, and ran out to shoot everyone, giving them a new makeover.


Dedede, Escargoon, Waddle Doo, and a group of Waddle Dee came back from Dedede's junk food shopping only to have their eyes wide open in shock due to all the different appearance of the rest of the Waddle Dees. "What the flipflops?! What is going on here?" Dedede asked as he saw a Waddle Dee slightly bigger than him pass by him.

"What happened to you pip squeaks?" Escargoon asked as he held up a gold Waddle Dee.

Spear Waddle Dee, or you can call them as guards, held up its spear in fear as the armor Waddle Dee walked up to him. They signaled each other that one is not going to attack one other, so they walked to the same direction together.

Even Tiff, Tuff, Sir Ebrum, and Lady Like were shocked by the unusual sight. "What happened to the Waddle Dees?" Tiff asked as she looked around.

"They look so different!" Tuff said as he saw a gold Waddle Dee pass by.

"Is this another King's mischiefs?" Sir Ebrum asked as he held on of the puppet Waddle Dee.

"Goodness gracious!" Lady Like exclaimed as she saw a big Waddle Dee pass by her. It sounded like it was stomping as it was walking, but really, it is just walking by peacefully.

"Hey, girly!" Dedede said. "Is this part of your smart joke?"

"No, Dedede!" Tiff yelled back. "I barely got out!"

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