"All right all right," Susie said. "But for now, you're limited to steak and pasta for fancy food. I need to add much more functions in here so give it back to me as soon as you can."

"Ohh! That helps so much!" Escargoon said.

"You sound very desperate," Susie said as she sent it over. "Be careful. I don't know what will happen. I tried to add in loyalty, but it's still not complete. I must fix it even more so that it's much more obedient than now. I need much more touch to make it perfect, but since you're so desperate, I'm sending it to you."

"Oh-ho-ho~ what am I gonna do without you?" Escargoon said as he received the machine. 

"Just give it back as soon as possible. Aloha~" Susie waved as she disconnected. 

"Let's see," Escargoon examined the machine. It had a keyboard to type in desired food and a space on the bottom to create the desired food. "Since his majesty would like a steak for lunch, S-T-E-A-K..." He pressed the button on the keyboard, and the steak was created in less than a minute. "Oh, this is amazing!"

"EscarGOON! Where's ma food AT?!" Dedede screamed.

"Oh, that tubby," Escargoon said as he brought the plate of steak to Dedede.

"Hmm," Dedede examined the steak. Then he sliced a piece, and put the piece into his mouth. He savored the taste as he chewed. "Hey~ this ain't half bad!" 

"I'll be right back, sire," Escargoon said.

"Where you think you're goin'?!" Dedede said.

"That was the last ingredient we had sire, we have to go grocery shopping," Escargoon said.

"Well then get on with it, snail legs!" Dedede demanded.

"On my way, sire," Escargoon replied as he exited the dining hall, got on the car, and drove down to Cappy Town to buy more groceries. 

While Escargoon went out to buy the groceries, Dedede decided to take a walk around the castle. 

"Hmm..." Dedede said as he walked around. 

"Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo~" Kirby chanted as he was also walking around. 

Dedede heard Kirby chanting from a distance. He decided to play a little prank on him. He always kept a fake watermelon. He would never use time bombs anymore after what happened in season 1 episode 93 (D'preciation Day). He quietly set the watermelon in an open area. The fake watermelon is so hard that no one is able to bite through it. 

"Poyo poyo- poyo?" Kirby noticed the fake watermelon. "Poyo~" He happily ran to it, hugged it, and happily rubbed his face against it. 

Then Meta Knight's words ran across his head. "Only get the food that cappies show you and give you. If you eat, someone must be around you. If no one is around when you see the food, then it's a trap. You mustn't fall for it anymore." Kirby shook his head and walked away. 

Dedede watched this happened as his jaws dropped. "Looks like Kirby ain't fallin' fo' dis trick no mo'!" He whispered to himself as he watched Kirby walk away. "I gotta think of a better prank! A new way Kirby can fall into!" Dedede looked around his throne room to look for something better to pull a prank on. He found nothing. Then he went into the kitchen. He didn't find anything either. Then he went into Escargoon's room. As he looked around, he found a weird-looking machine he never saw before. 

"Hm?! What'z dat?!" Dedede asked himself as he spammed the button. 

After spamming the button for few seconds, the machine started to ring as it let out a red light from its screen saying, "Warning... warning... do not... press the button... repeatedly..."

Kirby Right Back At Ya! Season 2: Haltmann Works Companyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें