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I stood still not knowing whether to run or scream.Well screaming was obviously useless seeing as I could be easily silenced by either men.I was trapped.Like a mouse in a cage with no way out of his prison except my prison consisted of smelly men who looked like they had seen better days.

Of course this had to be the day I decided not to take off my school uniform.I probably looked like some defenseless little girl to them and somehow that ticked me off.The fact that these drunk excuses for men thought they could take advantage of me,well I was about to show them otherwise.I had to think about something.

I wasn't very well going to jump them in hopes of escaping but I wasn't going to let them get within two feet of me.I smiled at them in what I hoped looked seductive and from their faces I succeeded.

"¡Hola,"I purred and then mentally gagged form what I was doing."¿Ustedes saben donde está Jimmy?"("Do you guys know where Jimmy's at?") I asked hoping to get some in tell.They looked at each other and I started getting worried they would see through my intentions.

"Acabamos de verlo," one of the men spoke up."¿para qué lo quieres muñequita?" ("We just saw him little doll,"/ "Why do you want him for?") I walked around them trying come off as casual while they assessed me.

"Bueno, yo soy la chica nueva." I said hoping my plan would work.("Well I'm the new girl.")They eyed me carefully,their eyes moving up and down the length of my body making me feel sick.I was going to murder Sonia for this.

"Hmm I didn't know Jimmy was getting a new girl," a guy farthest from me said.I looked at him and saw he wasn't drunk like the rest.I really really hope this would work, and they didn't find out my real age.Then again I had seen some girls my age and younger working here so I guess it didn't really matter I was under-aged.

"Yeah,it was all very recent.I was suppose to be here at eight so if one of you could tell me where he is I can.." I trailed of not knowing what the next procedure would be.One of the guys looked at me lustfully.

"Pues si eres la nueva chica por que no tenemos un buen tiempo."("Well if you're the new girl why don't we have a good time.") one gruffly man said smirking at me drunkenly.I cringed at the thought and stepped back.

"Hey, quién dice que tu la puedes tener?"("Hey who says you can have her?")one of the other men with cropped, brown hair asked.Oh dear lord this was not happening.

"Está bien,está bien¿a quién quieres muñeca?" (Okay,okay.Who do you want doll?")gruffly asked.I blanched, I didn't want any of them.

"Alright alright leave her alone guys.She clearly doesn't want any of you horny bastards." The guy who was in the back said.I wondered vaguely why he was the only one speaking in English.

"No te metas en esto,Miguel."("Stay out of this,Miguel")cropped hair said.Hmm Miguel.. I wouldn't have figured him as a Miguel.He had pale skin and green eyes.

"I'm just saying she clearly isn't interested in you two," He said eyeing them cautiously.They snorted.

"Y tu piensa que ella está interesada en ti?" ("What you think she's interested in you?") gruffly said.I looked over at the guy, he wasn't ugly, cute actually.Waiting what are you thinking?! I frantically thought.These were the guys who were talking about having a 'good time' with me.Well not the one in the back.

"Yeah I do." He said confidently looking at me in the eyes.My eyes widen, so he also had the same intentions.

"A quién querers?"(Who do you want?")cropped hair suddenly asked.I looked at all three and if I had to chose I would go for Miguel.I looked at Miguel and saw he was trying to tell me something with his eyes.

"Um.." my confidence from before had now completely evaporated and I didn't know what else to do.When Miguel started taking a step forward I backed away immediately.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said after watching my frightful expression.I swear if this guy tried anything I was going to knee him where the sun don't shine.

"Ehh...usted puede tenerla, se ve demasiado inocente para mí.." (Ehh...You can have her,she looks too innocent for me.) gruffy spoke up.I sighed with relief, at least that was one less guy off my back.

"Sí,yo también.Me gusta las qué tienen experiencia."("Yes,me too.I like mine to have experience.") cropped hair said after eyeing me one last time.

"Okay it's settled she goes with me." Miguel said and without warning he grabbed me 'round my waist.I was on the verge of screaming when he whispered in my ear.

"Look you obviously don't know how men react here to girls like yourself but if you want to stay safe just follow me." Yeah right! what if he wanted to do the exact same thing and was just pretending? Then what? I would be the fool who believed him.Jesus what had Sonia gotten me into.

We began walking inside the club.Once inside the music got more profound and I found myself regretting coming here.I should have called Federico I thought finally.Yes,I should have! Stupid stupid stupid Anna I thought.Why didn't I think this through.Now if I did get raped it was all my fault.I snapped out of my mental thoughts when I felt a body collide with mine.I stepped back and saw Miguel had stopped and was looking at me expectantly.Oh jeez what did he expect from me now? Did he really want to protect me or was he just using that as an excuse to get me alone?

"Look I know your not the new girl." He said air quoting "new girl".I began biting my nails, a bad habit I thought I'd broke."It's okay I'm not going to rat you out." He said taking in my worried eyes.

"Don't rape me." I said before I could stop myself, because frank-ally that was all that was going on in my mind at the moment.To my surpirsie he laughed.

"Wait, wait," He began but was still laughing.I didn't know if it was because I was wrong or because I had caught on to his intentions.Suddenly he got serious.Woah, talk about one-eighty turn.

"Look I may be a lot of things but I'm not a rapist." He said now getting a hardness in his eyes I hadn't seen before.Then again I'd only just met him, how should I believe him?

"Um..okay so why did you help me out back there?" I asked trying to change the subject because the look he was giving me at the moment was unnerving.

"I told you.This place it's full of men who would love to take advantage of a young thing like you." He said gazing at me.I gulped and looked around, there were several men at the moment looking at me.I didn't even want to think of Sonia coming here but alas she was and now I had to find her.

"Look thanks for looking out for me and all but I really have to find my sister she.." I trailed off once I saw who was playing the music.Up in the banister stood a girl, my sister to be exact, playing the music being blasted.She was yelling at the crowd and had headphones on while dancing.I forgot all about my recent encounter with the two drunk men and Miguel while I gaped at her.No way..

/~_~/ ~_~/

Okay so I was true to my word and uploaded today.Yeah! Sorry if it's short but I didn't want to keep putting it off.Sooo what'ch think of the ending? Any comments on Miguel?

I decided to put the English interpretation after the sentence so you guys won't have to scroll down to find what it means.It's better right?

Next upload next week for sure:)

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