Memory Lane

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Though I try to hint as to what they are saying, translations are at the end of the chapter if you need them. :)

© 2012 All Rights Reserved


Monday after getting home from Courtney's I was sprawled on my twin bed. I hadn't even started my homework I was too preoccupied with my thoughts. I felt like an idiot, why had I said that to Evan? I rolled over groaning. So embarrassing.

I sighed and stood up. I looked at my hair and saw how long it looked, it had been a while since I last had a haircut. Maybe I should get it cut for Alex's party?

"¡Anna ven a comer!" (Anna, come eat!) Má yelled at me from the kitchen. I got up from my bed and headed swiftly out the door. My Má was standing over the stove stirring the rice in the pot.

"Mmm huele bien."(Smells good) I said sniffing the air. She turned and looked at me for the first time.

"¿Por qué todavia estas en tu uniforme?" ( Why are you still in your uniform?) She asked glancing at me up and down. I shrugged I hadn't really felt like changing. She shook her head.

"Quitátela para que no se ensucien."( take it off so it doesn't get dirty.) She said. I sighed and went to change. When I emerged back I looked around for my dad and sister.

"Hey mom where's Sonia and papa?" I asked. I rarely spoke English to my Má though she understood it perfectly.

"Él está fuera y Sonia se fue a la tienda con Julio." (He's outside and Sonia went to the store with Julio.) She said while setting the plates.

I looked outside and saw the sun was setting. I didn't want Sonia outside in the dark with or without Julio. There was always some gang members around the blocks looking for people with there enemies colors or signs.

Lately there had been less shootings. It was said that the leaders of each gang had set a deal. I hoped so for Sonia's safety.

"Anna," My mom said in a warning tone "deja de temblar la pierna. Se te va aser un tick."( quit shaking your leg, you'll get a tick.) She said.

I looked down and saw I was shaking my leg, I only did it when I was anxious. I stopped and told my Má I was going to go call Pá.

I walked out the back gate and saw my dad with his friends lounging around talking. I informed him about dinner and left to go find Sonia.

The closest liquor store was a block away. Sonia and Julio liked to go there because it had a video store next door and they would often come home after raiding all the movies.

As I walked I watch the sun in the horizon with its multicolor light. I liked the evenings in L.A when I forgot how dangerous it could be.

I suddenly got a flash back of me and Luis watching the sunset.

We'd been seeing each other for a few weeks and he was walking me home. Then I remember seeing him and a few scary looking guys talk about stealing car parts.When I asked him about it he confessed his gang affiliation. I felt bad breaking up with him right there and then but I had to.

I got awoken from my reverie by the stores ringing noise as I entered. I looked around for Sonia and saw no sign of her. I looked over at Mrs.Rivera and waved.

"She's not here, Anna. I think she's next door though." She said smiling. I nodded in thanks and hurriedly ran out to the video store.Sure enough as soon as I entered the video store Sonia was standing in the register with Julio by her side buying some movies.

"There you two are.Come on mom made dinner." I said waving at her.

"Sorry, we got caught up." She said walking to my side.We walked home in silence. Sonia eating some of the snacks she had bought and me stuck in thoughts about Evan.

Why was I still thinking about that jerk? It's like my brain was a recorder and was replaying the incident in English over and over for me to see. When we reached the house I took my plate to my room and made an excuse of having 'tons' of homework. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.


I woke up with my sister pulling the covers off of me. I groaned and rolled on my side. Last night I stayed up late thinking of all the different ways I could confront Evan.

"Anna come on get up!" My sister yelled in my ear.

I winced and scowled at her. She ran away laughing. I sighed and got up grabbing my uniform that I'd set out the day before. I ate breakfast, said bye to my parents and walked with Julio and Sonia to school. When we went our separate ways I started getting nervous again. What would happen in English?

Courtney and Allison were talking to Damien and Alex when I got to school. I sighed walking over to them.

"Hey Anna. Finally you're here." Courtney said smiling.

"What'd I miss?" I asked.

"Well we were all thinking of going on a triple date tomorrow. You up for it?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow 'Triple date'?

"Well I don-"

"Don't say no. Come on I had it all planned out." She said tilting her head slightly towards Allison. My eyes grew wide with comprehension this was her way of setting Allison and Alex up.

"Well who would be going on this triple date?" I asked curiously.

Courtney grinned.

"Well one of Damien's friends and me, Allison and Alex-"

"As friends." added Allison quickly. Alex frowned slightly while Courtney glared at Allison.

"As I was saying," Courtney said with a frown directed to Allison "Allison and Alex as friend." She added for Allison's benefit. "and you and Damien." She said smiling.

I frowned on the Damien and I part but if it was for Allison then I'd do it.

"Sounds like fun." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could manage. Damien grinned and leaned into me.

"Can't wait for our date tomorrow." He whispered into my ear. I was doing this for Allison. I hoped Damien didn't get his hopes up. I leaned away to his disappointment.

"So where will we go to?" I asked. Courtney grinned and I knew her too well to know that I wasn't going to like her answer.

"Oh I was thinking that new place that opened up downtown." She said.

My heart stopped. That new club was very popular for all the gang members and was most definitely not safe.We all looked at Courtney like she was crazy.

"What?! A club?" Allison said, eyes wide. Courtney smile brighten even more, if that was possible.

"Yep!" She chirped. I shook my head. If we went to that place there was a huge risk of someone recognizing me. One of Luis's friends or something.

"I'm not going to a club." Allison said stubbornly."And on a school night at that." She looked at Courtney like she was crazy.

Courtney sighed.

"It was worth a shot right? Sorry it's just that I heard it was really good. Okay okay how about something simple like The Crip?" She said. I sighed relieved.

"Yeah okay I'm in." We all agreed. 'The Crip' was like a teen club without the alcohol. We all nodded.

"Great now-" Courtney began but got cut off by the school bell. I was beginning to like the bell.

I headed to class and mentally prepared myself for second period when I would try to get my jerk of a partner switched.


Sorry if it's short,but I have a project to do for math.I didn't want to not post at least something so here you go. Maybe boring but kind of gives you a view into Anna's life.

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