Club Heat

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When I got home I saw my dad's truck was wasn't outside.Okay that gave me time to try and get the smell of weed off my clothes from when I hugged Federico.I walked to the door and knocked,since I left the keys at the neighbors house and Sonia was surely home by now.She answered on the third knock and to my surprise was dressed up.

"Where do you planning on going?and dressed like that." I said eyeing her get up.She had a thin halter shirt that showed half her stomach,a silver sequin skirt along with black sandals.If she went out like this-in our neighborhood-she'd get too much attention from the wrong crowd.

"Nowhere." she said hastily,too hastily.I eyed her suspiciously.Sonia stayed completely calm but I knew she was hiding something.

"Really?You look a little bit too dressed up to be going 'Nowhere'." I said.She shrugged her shoulders and let me in.I closed the door and looked back at her.

"Seriously Sonia.Where are you going?" I said,getting to the point.She looked over at me,scowled and turned her back.

"I already told you nowhere." she said huffing loudly.I walked in front of her.

"Mira you can lie to mom and dad pero no me puedes mentir a mi." I said.Whenever I got impatient or mad I tended to speak in both English and Spanish.Sonia had been going through that stage where she talked back a lot and rebelled to whatever our parents said.She was becoming more and more frustrating to cope with.Of course -I thought- that was how I had been when I was her age.

"It's none of your business Anna!Why do you have to be so fuckin' nosy!" She said stomping her foot like a spoiled child.She walked over to the front door and I followed before she could open it.

"Ay! What did mom say about cussing? and it's my business por que eres mi hermana!" I said just as angry.I tried to be cool but she just got me so mad sometimes. "You're fourteen stop dressing like you're twenty freakin' one." I said,just managing not to cuss and set her off on me. "When I was your age I didn't go off dressing like this," I said pointing at her clothes."Do you have any idea what type of guys are out there who are just waiting for someone dressed like you to walk by so they can-" I stopped, breathing hard,unable to finish that sentence.The thought of some pervert doing anything to my little sister gave me the chills.

"Look you shouldn't really be the one giving me advice about how to act,considering you just came back from smokin' pot." she said glaring at me accusingly.

"I wasn't smoking I just got home from visiting Güero and some of his friends were smoking and so the stench got on me."

"Yeah right as if I'm going to believe that." she spat.I looked at her and scowled.Patience,I told myself.It would get us nowhere if we started yelling at each other.

"Look," I said rubbing my temple "we're talking about you not me.Now I'll ask you again,Where did you plan on going dressed like that." I said.She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Look your not mamá so quit acting like your her." she said,sneering.I knew this wouldn't be easy,but I had to do this.I was en-charge of her 'til mi 'amá got home.

"Well I'm en-charge of you 'til she's here.Since you won't tell me where you are going I guess you'll have to wait 'til she gets home to ask." I said exiting the room.She mumbled something when I was halfway out.

"¿qué fue eso " I said.She looked over and scowled."To that club downtown.A friend from school said he could get us in and-" she started again but I cut in not believing what she was saying.

"A club?You where planning on sneaking into a club? and what's worse is it was the new club downtown where you know dangerous criminals go to!" I said flaring.I was seriously seeing red.

"Calm down.The gangs don't usually hang there 'til later at night when there is less people outside." she said,as if that made a difference.

I snorted."Well you should change because I'm not letting you go." I said shaking my head at her foolishness.

"Whatever as if I need your permission." She said storming off towards the door.I ran after her but she knocked into me.I fell on the floor and saw her close the door at her exit.I cursed out loud forgetting when I previously scolded Sonia for cursing.I grabbed the keys from where Sonia left them,looked at the time-I figured I still had a little bit of time before mom and dad got home- and ran out the door after her.


Damn Sonia! I mentally repeated once I saw the sun setting.Mom and dad were probably already home and I was out here looking for my crazy,foolish, little sister.What was she thinking,lately her ideas of 'fun' had been anything but it.I arrived outside the sign that read 'Club Heat' in big red letters.'Club Heat' like any other club was filled with the sound of music and lights.It wasn't particularly huge,but it could hold a substantial amount of people.It had a long metal chain running from the front entrance to the back of the parking lot.I shook my head,I didn't know how Sonia thought she could get in here without being thrown out.

I looked around at some of the few people waiting and saw they were dressed appropriately for a club-me on the other hand,not so much.Damn it!

"What are you doin' on this side of town niñita?" the bouncer asked.He had a rich Latin accent,broad shoulders,and dark curly hair with slight darker skin then mine.I looked up at him,not sure how to frame the question.

"Um...have you seen a girl about this tall," I said raising my hand to my shoulders ",with straight dark hair and-" He raised his hand stopping my further description.

"Mira there's a lot of girls with that description,you gonna have to do better then that." he said.English was clearly not his most common language so I spoke in Spanish instead.

"Tenía una camisa azul y falda platiada." I said hoping to give him some ideas."Oh,y un collar de la Virgen María." I said remembering the necklace Sonia always carried from her Primera Comunión.It had been a gift from our past grandma and Sonia had worn it in her memory.

"Oh,sí sí me acuerdo de ella." He said looking thoughtful."La chica de Jimmy." He finished.I stiffened.Jimmy?The owner of 'Club Heat'? I begged it wouldn't be him.What the hell was Sonia thinking getting involved with Jimmy Rios.He was known for his association with the Blood Devils.then I remembered he said she was Jimmy's girl.Well Jimmy had a lot of girls and most were not in the dating sense.First my cousin and now my sister,I thought,was I that oblivious

My hands got clammy recalling her outfit.No,no she could be what I thought she was.Could she?Either way I had to get her,by now mom and dad were probably wondering where we were.I couldn't tell them their youngest daughter was possibly a stripper.I left them a message and headed out to the back of the club.There had to be some way I could get in.


The back of the club wasn't as bright as the front but there was cameras.Of course,I thought,this was Jimmy Rios.I tried opening the back doors but it could only be opened from the inside.I could wait for someone to come out,I thought,but how long would that take? I began walking back when I suddenly I heard someone opening the door.I ducked behind the greasy,stinky,trash cans.

From what I could see it was a group of guys and from the look of it,they were drunk.I tried hiding even more until I felt something furry touch my leg.I yelped startled and looked down to see a big,fat,hairy rat.I hated rats,so the only think I thought at that moment was to scream.I didn't even remember the guys that were only a few feet away.Nope I screamed,and loudly.

"Mira lo que tenemos aquí!" I heard one of them exclaim.I turned to them and could only process one word.Shit.


So there you go:) Guys like? I left it on a cliffy to add more excitment.Sorry I took so long to upload but there are indeed talent writers in this site and I got sidetracked with their stories.

P.S. Sorry if there are some mistakes,no time for proofreading.

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