Chapter 2 - Southgate

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Catherine's POV         

            My eyes are hardly open when I look at my clock, but the image they barely see is enough to make my eyelids spring open, and enough to get me out of bed. 9.30 am. I’m screwed. I’m supposed to be there at 10.00. I surprised myself at how fast I actually could get ready in the morning. I thought I wasn’t gonna make it.

            I take the subway to campus, and get there with about 1 minute to spare. Close one.

            I’m studying English Literature and History this year. I enter the dull, brick building and make my way to the second floor. I look through the dusty window into the grey painted classroom. It had plastic chairs, and a whiteboard that had been used so many times you could see thousands of faint lines of red marker that wasn’t rubbed off properly. Inside there are 7 people.

            Sitting on one table was a girl with dirty blonde, dead straight hair and a guy with pale skin, and obviously dyed black hair.

            Then there was a girl with hair that had been dyed red, a nose ring and bright blue eyes sitting next to a girl who was a skinny as a stick, with dark skin and black hair. 

            At the back of the classroom was a guy wearing a big jacket and glasses with a guy that had curly blonde hair.

            Sitting by herself was a girl with green eyes and long, curly brown hair. She looked like she was in the same situation as me. Moved from a small town, no friends going to the same place. Everyone else had a friend that they somehow knew. I tuck a strand of my ginger hair behind my ear and I walk in and sit next to her. She sort of gives me this half smile, like she was trying to be friendly, but she looked like a person that gets a little uncomfortable around strangers. I smile at her to make her feel less tense.

            In walked a middle aged woman, with dark hair, fair skin and blue eyes.

            “Ok everybody, welcome to home room. My name is Johanna and I will be taking you for home room for your time at Southgate.” She said, while putting a few folders on the front desk.

            “To get to know each other, we’ll go around the room, saying our name and an interesting fact about us. We’ll start with you.”

            She pointed to me.


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