Chapter 13 - Let This Answer Your Question

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I updated! After 12 months I finally updated!

So this was going to be a full length novel, but I couldn't think of another plot point to stretch over 10-15 chapters to complete this book, so this is the final chapter. I guess you could classify this as a short story, but I think it's a little longer than your average short story, so I'm keeping the categories as Fan Fiction and Romance.



Catherine's POV


Natalie and I gasped at the sight; Louis standing at the doorway, panting, Andrew appearing to be furious. The tension in the room was unbearable. When I couldn't take it any longer, I ran out towards Louis.

                "Louis, you're... here," I said, unsure of what else to say

                He nodded, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a closed-lip smile. Oh, how I loved that smile.

                "You've got to be kidding me!" whined Andrew when he finally was able to speak, but Nat shushed him before he could continue.

                "I'll just leave you guys to it. C'mon Andy." said Nat as she grabbed Andrew's shoulder and dragged him out to the next room

                "Don't call me that." I heard Andrew mutter as he was being taken away.

                I turned back to Louis, whose smile hadn't moved. I wondered how he had got here, and how he knew the exact room the unofficial meeting was being held in. My eyes scanned over his tired face, and suddenly all my worries washed away. He had this effect on me. One glance at him and everything would seem alright.

                “How did you know I’d be here?” I asked

                “Well, you do sort of go to university here so-“ he began in a sarcastic manner

                “No, what I meant was how did you know I was in this room?” I questioned more seriously

                “Well, I was walking around, looking for you, about to…ask you something. Then I heard your voice from outside the door just there.” He pointed towards the doors where he had performed a dramatic entrance mere moments ago “I listened in to the conversation for a bit and, well, here I am.”

                “Why’d you come here? What was it that you were going to ask me?” I was firing questions at him all at once

                “Well, yesterday when you told me to come around, I bumped into Andrew on my way in. You know all about that huh? He told me that he was your boyfriend. And today I came over to see if it was true.” He explained

                A silence followed. I felt so bad for Louis. He must’ve gone through a lot of heartache last night. I watched Louis as he bit his lip. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something.

                “Catherine,” he began “did you see the, ah,” he coughed. It was obvious that he was nervous standing face to face with me. I found it ridiculously cute “the video?”

                I nodded wordlessly. His head dropped to the ground. It looked as if he thought I didn’t feel the same way about him. How wrong he was. I cleared my throat. “Louis,” my voice came out in a whisper “Do you love me?”

                “Of course I love you. What do you think that video was about?” I nodded, taking in his words. I, myself was preparing to confess. “And why are you asking me anyway? It’s not as if you love me back or anything.”

                “I never said that.” I said firmly

                “Well answer this question: Do you love me?”

                My lips curled into a small smile, but it quickly faded, careful not to give my answer away that easily. I knew exactly what I was going to do “Let this answer your question.” I whispered

                And with that, I slowly leaned in and pressed my lips to his.



excuse me while i go cry in the corner. this was the first fanfiction I ever wrote and now it's all over i need a moment or five.

so that is it

well not entierly. 

i have a small prequel written out that only goes for one chapter. If this gets over ten votes i'll post it on here


this is lauren

signing off from this story for the final time

it's been fun.

i love you

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