Chapter 1 - Night Before

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 {4/1/13 So I guess this story isn't too bad, but it was my first fanfiction and isn't as good as my recent stuff. It's also really short, so if you're looking for a long read, don't come here.}

Catherine’s POV

            There are some universities in the U.K that have been around for centuries and have this historical, castle-like look to them. With long corridors filled with paintings by unknown artists that seem significant. And wooden beams that look like they’re about to collapse, but they somehow stay in place. And vines of ivy, growing on the stone walls. Southgate University does not fit this description. That, is where I’m studying this term. It is one of those 60’s style schools with ugly yellow walls and chewed gum under seats. As soon as you see it, the first thought you think is, ‘How many years am I going to be here for again?’. It looks dreadful. It is completely made of brick, about three stories high and only has about six windows. I think you’ve guessed I’m not looking forward to my three years here. But now, it’s the night before university starts, and I’m as nervous as someone who is about to cliff dive into a pool of sharks.

            None of my friends from my secondary school in Doncaster are coming over to London to study. The closest is Holly, who got accepted at Oxford University. Lucky girl. Then there’s Charlotte, who’s going to the University of Manchester, which isn’t so bad either. Louis’s plans for university sort of failed as he auditioned for the X Factor in April, and made it to the live shows that will be aired on T.V in a week or so. He isn’t a soloist though, well, not anymore.  He told me that at boot camp, they picked a few rejected soloists that deserved a second chance to form a group. Louis is in this group called One Direction with 4 other teenage boys.

            I’ve kept in touch with Charlotte and Holly for the past few months, but whenever I talk to Lou it’s always about the X Factor. It’s ‘I got through to this round’ or ‘they’re offering more places in judge’s houses this year’. I mean, I’m happy for him, but can’t we talk about other things too, like my life. We haven’t really spoken for about two weeks. I sometimes think we’re drifting apart but, some things are for the better, right?

            My phone vibrates. It’s a text from Lottie (My nickname for Charlotte)

            Lottie: Hey Catherine! Holly and I are meeting each other for lunch in Manchester this Saturday to catch up. I know it’s a fair drive from London but would you care to join us? xxxooo

            I do need to see my friends after the first, lonely week I’ve spent in my uncles flat (luckily I’m moving to my college dorm in two days) . But Manchester is too far and I don’t have a car to call my own.

            I look at the clock. It’s 9.00. I should probably go to bed to get up early tomorrow.

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