I smiled then walked into our bedroom. Grabbing my clothes out of my dresser I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I couldn't begin to understand why someone would do such a thing. They had to be seriously disturbed.

I walked into the shower and let the warm water calm my tensed muscles. I had a feeling something like this had happened, but hearing it from Titus made my stomach drop. This woman was disgusting. Who knows the effects it will have on Kohl in the future? I felt my anger rising as I gripped onto the tile.

I quickly finished my shower then turned off the water. I dried myself off then changed into an oversized grey shirt and black shorts. I walked towards the mirror then sat down in the seat. Grabbing my brush I began brushing out my hair. My hair was in desperate need of a hair cut. It landed all the way down my back. I never let my hair get further then bra strap length so this was a change.

Once I finished brushing out my hair, I decided I would get my hair cut tomorrow. I washed my face and brushed my teeth then left the room. I grabbed my laptop then joined Kohl and Titus in Kohl's bedroom. Kohl was giggling hysterically while Titus tickled him. "Okay you two, it's time for bed." The both stopped and sighed.

I eyed the bed then eyed them. They got my silent message and moved towards the bed. Titus lifted Kohl then placed him under the covers. Titus and I both sat on the edge of the bed while I looked for Big Hero 6. I shuddered as I clicked play then placed the laptop next to his pillow. "Okay kiddo, that's all you." Titus rolled his eyes and chuckled.

We said our final goodnights then got up to leave. "Can you leave the lamp on and door open?" He asked with a yawn. "Sure." I replied.

I turned off the big light, but made sure to leave the lamp on then kept the door open as I left. "We should leave our door open, just in case." I nodded in agreement as we entered our room.

We both climbed into bed then turned off the bedside lamps. I was exhausted and ready for sleep. Titus pulled me to his chest as I slowly fell asleep.


I was the first to wake up the next morning, which surprised me yet again. Titus was snoring loudly as he laid on his stomach with his dark brown hair covering his eyes. I moved his hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Getting up I glanced at the clock and groaned. It was 8:34 AM, aka not a productive time for me. "You're going to have to stop waking me up so early." I said as I stared down at my belly. A small kick followed, causing me to smile.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was done I went into the closet to pick out an outfit. I changed into a black and white stripped t-shirt dress. I slid on my white converse then headed towards Kohl's bedroom.

Kohl laid diagonally on his bed with his right leg hanging off and the blankets tangled around his small body. This kid is a wild sleeper.

I lifted his leg back on the bed then placed the blankets back over his body. I grabbed my laptop then left the room. By the time I made it to the kitchen, I had decided I was going to attempt to make breakfast. It couldn't be that hard, I had seen my mother do it plenty of times. I sighed as my mother crossed my mind.

I placed my laptop on the counter, then pressed play on my music playlist. I pulled out the eggs, bacon, and bread then began prepping the food. Cooking the toast and eggs were okay, but once I got to the bacon I was just about ready to give up. The grease from the bacon popped me more times then I'd like to admit.

I felt accomplished when I finally finished. The bacon was a little over cooked but everything else was decent. I cut up a few pieces of fruit and placed them on our plates. Titus came down the stairs with Kohl trailing behind him. "You cooked?" He asked, shocked.

The Claim ✔️ *Editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora