Epilogue. The Hand of God

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Rachel felt her body move

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Rachel felt her body move. With much effort, she managed to open her eyes. She was still in Eden, but what was a beautiful garden now had become a field of destruction, filled with flames.

The Trees were still standing alone in the middle of the battlefield. Leaves and fruits had burned, and their trunks and their branches were black by the fire that took the Garden.

Someone rocked her body again and she looked up. Isaac was there and he looked whole. Suddenly, she felt as if energy returned to her body, and she managed to get up, sitting down.

"What happened?"

"They are gone. The Fallen Angels won and entered Heavenly Paradise."

"So everything's lost?" Rachel said, feeling as if she had just revived to find she would die again.

"And was not everything lost before?" Isaac answered with another question. "There is hope."

Rachel could not understand. For the last ten days, they had been pursued by deformed monsters, their colleagues killed by an executor angel, the group betrayed by Fallen Angels and Eden destroyed in a bloody battle for control of the Heavens. And yet, Isaac believed there was hope.

"What do you mean?"

"Come," said Isaac, pulling her arm, "we need to find Sarah."

The two crossed the battlefield hand in hand and Rachel noticed that Isaac was carrying something in his other hand. They found Sarah curled up behind a fallen tree trunk on the ground. Her body was burned, but she still seemed to breathe.

Isaac bent down and touched her shoulder, stirring to wake her. Rachel didn't believe she could survive, but changed her mind quickly. At Isaac's touch, the burns began to fade from Sarah's body and she opened her eyes.

Looking as lost as Rachel, she asked what had happened and Isaac explained, once again, about the victory of the Fallen Angels.

"Why didn't we die?" Sarah asked.

"Because we still have something to do."

It was then that he lifted the object in his hand, wrapped in a cloth. He removed the layers slowly and finally revealed what was there: Colored Orb of Jeqon.

"What is this, anyway?" Sarah asked.

"He called it the Hand of God." Said Isaac.

"But will we be able to use it?"

Isaac then turned to the two and said:

"Don't you think it's strange that they needed us for so many things?" The two of them were silent, but they seemed to understand what Isaac was talking about.

He walked slowly toward the center of the field, the Hand of God firmly in his hands. There, he took two of the fruits from the larger tree, which were on the ground and had survived the flames, and handed them to the two companions.

"Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Said Sarah, laughing for the first time since the first angel's attack.

"Times change." Replied Rachel.

"There's something special about us." Said Isaac, now standing in front of the Tree. He lifted the Orb as high as he could, and a new portal emerged. His energy was not calm and clear as it was the first time, but it was agitated and uncontrollable. "Angels or demons, everyone will pay for what they did to us."

Then they entered the Celestial World, toward an unpredictable fate.

Then they entered the Celestial World, toward an unpredictable fate

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The Hand of God [The Open Novella Contest | Ambassador Pick]Where stories live. Discover now