Chapter 8. The Garden

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Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago, and also the name of its largest, rather mountainous island, which lies in the southern Atlantic Ocean

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Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago, and also the name of its largest, rather mountainous island, which lies in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the most remote inhabited territory in the entire world, located almost three thousand kilometers from any inhabited area on the African or American continent.

Although remote, Tristan da Cunha is actually inhabited by almost 300 Britons in the village of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. Without an airport and with only a small fishing port, the visits are very sporadic and foreigners are prohibited from going there. Still, there they were.

The boat had just landed in the small port of the island and the group watched the place in silence. From there they could see the first houses of the village. Edinburgh of the Seven Seas stood on a large flat, grassy area, but they still didn't see it, for the morning mist made it difficult. But one thing they could see: what really stood out in that place is that it stands at the foot of a large central mass, the mouth of a volcano.

"Who would have thought we'd get here alive in this boat?" Said Sarah.

"Who do you think is leading you?" Replied Crocell, looking debauched. "Come on, they're waiting for us."

As the humans discovered during the voyage, upon reaching the island the group would be united to the other Fallen Angels and only then would it be revealed how they would enter Eden.

In the harbor, the water was calm and the boat practically didn't move when they went down and began the walk. A sign a few yards away indicated the newcomers where they had come. Next to it was a multi-post sign indicating the distance from the island to other important points in the Commonwealth of Nations, the 53 English-speaking countries that had belonged to the British Empire at some point in history. They passed a shed and the first houses and the only thing they could hear was the wind that passed through them. There didn't seem to be anybody there.

They passed a burger joint and were discussing whether to return to prepare a hamburger, if there were still frozen foods, when a vision made them stop immediately.

Near one of the churches on the island, dozens of wooden crosses were planted on the ground and on them hung inhabitants' bodies. The area was small and the crosses were so close together that it was possible to see that some of the victims were holding hands. Watching the scene, set in a gloomy semicircle, were seven Fallen Angels. In the center was the largest of these infernal beings, and in their hands was a strange object: it looked like an orb, which had different colors, surmounted by a small cross that seemed made of branches. He seemed to emanate an aura of darkness, terror and death.

"Why did you do that?" Cried Cauan as he ran for the crosses, looking for someone still alive. Sarah wanted to go with him, but she didn't have the courage. No one answered, but they all turned to watch the arrival of Crocell, Sorath, and the other humans.

Rachel looked at Isaac, the fear was clear on his face. Isaac chose the Fallen because the only Angel he had ever known had tried to decimate his party, and now they were facing dozens of dead, murdered by them. Had they chosen the wrong side? She turned to Sorath.

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