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We got home from New York and I just shut down from everybody and everything, friends what's that even Raeanne things changed were weren't as close. I found myself distancing from everyone Kay and Kate even because they were a sad reminder of Joey and what I had lost and It just hurt to much. 3 months have passed and my life consisted of School and home. The guys where supposed to be back home for a few weeks on break from the tour, which ment inevitability I would see if not run into Joey and I don't know how I am going to be able too. I still love just as much as always but I can't keep that picture out of my head. He has called me everyday before shows after when he wakes up before he goes to bed but I can't bring myself to answer the phone. I answered a few texts but It was like taking a knife to the heart. Everyone including my dad has tried getting me to just listen to him but I can't not now and I don't know when I can. Donnie called me and told me he was coming in a day early and wanted to meet for pizza, so I reluctantly agreed. As if he was standing outside the entire time there was a knock on the door and he walks in as if on que at 7pm that Saturday. " Hey Lee" as he walks in and flops on the sofa next to my dad who was watching the Celtics game on the tv. " Hi Donnie ""what I don't get no love come here and give me a hug "I walked over and hugged him a tear escaped my eye, he pulls back and looks at me " hey none of that come on let's go have some fun!" He grabs my hand and starts to drag me to the door. We got into his car and drove to Pizza Hut and sat down And ordered. " sooo""so""ok Lee what's been up?""Nothing""whatcha mean nothing not what I heard""I don't know what you heard but I'm fine""oh really""yea really"" ok well let me put it this way, if you fine I'm fucking president!"" No really""ok if your so ok why is it you haven't even talked to Raeanne your best friend in 3 weeks, your failing school lost weight. Not to mention it took me a week to get you to agree to come out tonight, you won't talk to Danny J or even Jon really so excuse me if I don't by it not to mention you haven't even touched any food and it's your favorite I ordered!"" Not hungry""either you eat that slice or I'm going to sit on your lap and feed you!""NO!!!" Leesa I get where your at how miserable you are but let's just cut to the chase we all know why and the fact that you won't even hear him out isn't helping anyone, how you can think he would do what you think he did is beyond me.""but"" no shut up and listen to me for a fucking second for fucks sake he never ever gave any reason to question his feelings. He after 3 months is still trying you want hear him out or anyone for that damn matter. I get your hurt so is he. He loves you.""I just can't ok I keep seeing her on him, rubbing on him I just can't!""Lisa if either one of you are ever going to be able to function you need to at least talk to him.""Donnie""Lee""I don't think I can""well think about will you.""I will " about 20 minutes later we left and went back to my house, by them it was pouring out and My dad told Donnie to crash out here because it was just to bad to drive home. We sat on the couch and watched dirty dancing when all of a sudden I hear
I love you
I guess I always will
Girl, you're my best friend
Girl, you're my love within
I just want you to know
That I will always love you
Oh baby
Tell me you'll stay
Never ever go away
from the front yard "what the ever loving fuck" I jump up and run to the window what do I see if Joey standing soaked stereo blaring and singing at that very moment I flung the door open ran and jumped into his arms it as if nothing happened after the talk with Donnie and the fact that he is standing in my front yard in the pouring rain singing made all the hurt and pain just disappear. "Joey""Lee Lee I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!!!""no I'm sorry I should've listened to you"" no Babe it's my fault ""no it's not!" " oh fuck it" and I just kiss him and hold on to him""I love you Lee""I love you too" " um Lee" "yes ""can me go In I'm cold" we both laugh and walk in we're Donnie standing in my doorway with the biggest guilty smile. " hey what's that smile about?""nothing""that not nothing, Donald did you do this""first of don't call me Donald Leesa Renee but yes we'll not totally it was Joe's idea I just went along with it"" Babe I had to think of a way to get you to stop and think about it I know you would listen to Donnie""oh Babe it's ok." My dad walked down the stairs and just stopped mid steps when he seen Joey " Joesph "" hi Mr Engert nice to see you""princess are you ok everything ok?""yes daddy!" With a big smile my father said " hey Donnie why don't you come finish this Celtics game with me in my den?""sure " and with that they both left us alone. There we both stood frozen, and soaked but back together and nothing can ruin the happiness we both felt. " well I'm going to run upstairs and get some dry clothes on, I have some of your clothes upstairs if you want some dry stuff."" I thought you would've burned it" and he lets a small laugh out. " no of course not." We both went up to my room to change and I toss him some of his stuff to him sitting on the bed and he finds his Adidas hoodie that I slept with every night because it smelled like him (sad I know). " umm Lee care to explain I've been looking for this?""ummm""yea""I kinda been sleeping with it every night "" awww but why""because it smells like you and it was like a piece of you here even though I was so mad and hurt I missed you so bad I cry and fall asleep with it. I figured it was all I had left of us of you." " Babe come here" I walk over and he wraps his arms around me " I'm always here that will never change, I've been so lost without you!" We just sat in each others arms in the quite just being together. We curled up with each other on the couch til we both ended up falling asleep. My father came down early that next morning to get some coffee and to run to the office to get some briefs he forgot and I totally would have expected to have him flip out on both of us because Joey was not supposed to sleep over, but he checkmated my ass and didn't say a word about it. I got up and had a cup of coffee with my dad and Donnie before he left for the office and Donnie to meet with Mark. Joey woke about a hour later when I was in the shower I must've not have heard him come in but when I turn around they he stood behind me " Jesus Joey what are doing I here?!""god I missed you" and with that I feel his mouth on mine as he backs me up against the shower wall and I can feel his wet body and his erection pressed again my body"oh god baby I've missed you""I can feel him kissing down me neck as he holds my hands over my head against the wall. Just as we are getting hot and heavy he steps back slips on a bar of soap and tumbled down taking me with him. As we both lay on the shower dying laughing we had ripped the shower curtain down in the fall the bathroom door flung open and there stood Jordan " oh shit sorry, um your dad let me in to use the bathroom." As he sits there staring at me soapy wet and naked on the bathroom floor. " oh my god my dads home""yea just came home when I pulled up""oh shit J you have to go distract him please so I can get Joey out""oh hey J can you stop staring at my girl ""oh sorry, yea hurry up though.""I'm your girl still""you never stopped." Aw I kiss him " now get up and get out""oh aren't you sweet""not now get dressed out go through my window before my dad finds you up here and kills you!" Just as he was about to climb out the window he turns and says to me " ok so I figure we never went on like a official date so you wanna go out tonight with me like on a real date?"" Of course ""great pick you up at 6""ok" he kissed me and hopped out the window.

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