In case God doesn't show

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The next day when I woke up I heard Josh and Tyler whispering to each other clearly arguing, all I heard was “maybe that guy …… but his foot……. Can we trust him” I kept acting as am still sleeping so they can say more, as apparently they have many secrets, well that until Tyler shook me “hey wake up, we need to move”

After I washed my face with the river water and Josh and Tyler filled there thermos, we start moving but foot wasn’t helping every time I try to stand up I end up scream in pain, it was far worse than yesterday 
Josh kneeled in front of me hinting that he will carry me in his back, will that guy ever talk? 
I asked them if we can go the place where my camp was, as our bags have a lot of food and medical kits but they refused saying it’s near the mutts and the fog might still be there.

Thanks to my injury they couldn’t hunt for food so they had to leave me to start looking.
I take a look at my foot and it was blue and very Swollen so I start to rub the remained ointment hoping it will get better, but it looks so bad, it will take a lot of days to heal that if it wasn’t a month, just while I was sitting and waiting for them a silver silk parachutes start coming down and it hold a big package as soon it landed I start to crawl to it, I opened it and it was a full leg and foot brace it had a letter with it from Pete of course says “still want you back P.W” I smiled and put the letter in my pocket, since when he was this nice or maybe he just want me to win so he can do worse thing to me later, I vote for that, and I know I shouldn’t be charmed by these but any way I will take as much as I can.

After I put it on I stand to try it, the pain and limp still there but a lot less than before thankfully and I can make short steps, so I decided to go look for fruit or something to gain Tyler and Josh trust to find out what is there plan exactly is.
I found a lot of fruits but half of them are poisons, am really glad I paid attention to that while reading

While I was looking I heard screaming, so I went there slowly to see what’s happening only to find the girl from district 9 killed the girl from district 6, she took her stuff after that and luckily went opposite from my side , after she went far I start to walk back where I was waiting before and then the familiar canon sound fired.

I was sitting in the place where they left me only to find Tyler & Josh running back toward me, I know they thought the cannon were me.
Tyler: “God Damn it” he threw his back and sit.
Patrick: “seriously what is it that you guys think it’s me every time you hear a canon?”
Josh: “well we can’t help it when you took zero in the evaluation”
Patrick: “Oooh?! So you can talk? Then maybe you can tell me why am still here?!”
Tyler: “what this?” he pointed at my leg so I showed them the paper”
They looked at it then went far to talk, I was being polite to wait for them so we can start eat together, but will then fuck them I will eat, they can go and whisper as long as they want .

And Am glad I did since they took a long time, not to mention I heard one more canon bomb so that’s 2 for today
And later, finally when they finish talking, as soon they came, they start to talk as low as they can.

Tyler: “can P.W help in hiding us if we get out of here?”
Patrick: “what about the trackers and the cameras and the force fields around the arena, how the hell are you plan in getting out of here?”
Tyler: “we know where is the main engine for all the machines that is used in here, and for the tracker we also know how to disable it but the problem is, it will be hard to hide for so long, so maybe your so called devoted fan can help us forging some fake ID or anything”
Patrick: “you seriously want to run away from here?! Haven’t you seen the Avox in your rooms? This happens when you try to run and you want that?!”
Josh got angry and pushed me in the ground and hold his knife to my neck and said to Tyler: “I TOLD WE CAN’T TRUST HIM!” 
Patrick: “NO! Please wait listen I didn’t say I won’t, P.W want me to live with him at any cost, and me surviving this game have a very low chance so he would help us for sure I swear , am in! It’s not like I can win this even if I was in my best condition so how you think I will make it now with my foot”.
Tyler: “you’re going to help us?” I nod and he continued “then until we are out of here you are not allowed to say anything do you understand just follow our lead and when we get out of here and sneak to the capital you tell us where he lives” I nod again

He got off me still not convinced with what I said since he informed Tyler that they can’t leave me alone and they will take turns watching.
Just then they sit and start eating the fruit I brought and this idea crossed my mind, a while ago while I was searching for food I found a lot of Nightlock berries which is extremely poisonous, I took them out of my pocket and put them next to the other fruits hoping they don’t know what its and take it as am putting more from stash there.

And luckily they did eat it….

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