The Parade

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While I was dressing in the best way that’s possible to try to win as much sponsors and viewer as I can, there was announcement that we are arriving to the capital.

 I ran to the train lobby and sit near the window to wave to the fans and smile, in the previous hunger games I’ve seen other tribute doing it and the Varity of the gifts they received help a lot in achieving winning.

Soon we were getting escort to another station which appeared to be what I like to call a pamper treatments time, out of everything we received, this by far is the best, we went through it all from grooming to hair styling and pedicure the whole package.

After this was over I was waiting in another room to meet my stylist ,which I hate to admit I was nervous now that I remember what Hayley said about him and finally he showed up, and believe me she have all the right to be .

He was wearing black and red cloth & a long cape with the same color make up, he looks like he appeared from an old children book with the vampires I think.

He started “Hi am Brendon, I believe you heard of me”

Patrick: “I … I don’t know ”

Brendon: he huffed then said “then go dress by yourself you ignorant bitch” he turned to leave.

Patrick: “No Wait! Am sorry I was star struck I didn’t know what the hell is wrong with me , course I know you ! We were talking how excited we were to meet you in the train”

“Yeah then what’s my name?”   Oh my god, did he just forgot that he told me his name

“Mr Brendon”

“Oh so you do actually know me” thank god for his gold fish memory

“Who doesn’t”

“Alright then, to be honest when I saw your size profile, I thought I was making cloth for a 12 years old but wow I was shocked that you are actually 18”

God damn it, this is so hard already, keep breathing, don’t punch him, don’t act smart ass “yea well a lot get that thought”

“You know how we suppose to inspire your cloth by your district environment, well most of the style your district wear before was blue colors & fish net or star fish, but not this time, you know what makes the sea so special?”

 he start to stare at the roof and hands waving in the air  “that from outside it looks so pure and beautiful but in the inside it’s so dark and full of monsters so I will dress you like a demon in an angels cloth” he looked at me with a wide grin

That was the most silly idea I’ve ever heard, the problem is he was so proud of it, I have to say something nice or he will make me walk the parade naked.

 thank god my father used to take me with him I learned so much in fake flattery “Mr Brendon no wonder you are one of a kind sir, this is exactly why I keep hearing about you”.

“I know babe” he hugged me and said “you are in a safe hand”

Oh God, I can't stop feeling sorry for myself

After getting dressed in all white suit & cape then putting some dark heavy makeup and Devil horns, we stand by the carriages.

 I was staring at the other tribute and damn most of them look real tough so I started to get nervous, just then Vikki came and grab my hand and took me to a 4 tribute group who seem they already friends with each other.

Vikki: “you know about the career tribute in our district right? So district 1 & 2 do the same thing, so when we get chosen by the mentor, me and bob went to the capital secretly to meet the other career tribute to make an alliance” I nod to her to keep going.

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