Hell is empty and all the devils are here

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After finishing breakfast and getting dressed for the hunger games, we took the Hovercraft to get to the launch room and while we are there they injected us with the tracker device,

Now that we arrived and we get to the tubes I opened my token which is my father letter and keep reminding myself “one way or million other”, my arrow shooting got improved but that doesn’t mean I killed with it before but No I won’t hesitate , I will Go Home.
Joe waved goodbye to me a wish me luck and the time has come the tube start rising to the arena.

as soon we are out I got blinded by the sun so I focused to look around the environment that surround us, we were in the middle of ruin buildings and far there was a forest and of course in front of us was the infamous Cornucopia were people expected the usual bloodbath, the counting started, I looked at my allies and they all nod to do our plan now the counting finally started,

50.49.48 …. 
I kept looking at the Cornucopia searching for the bow and I did find it over one of the table.
I Bend to get ready for running, & kept muttering to myself “one way or million other”

We start running toward the Cornucopia I saw Gabe & Vikki wear the first there and as soon the reached Gabe grabbed a spear and throw it at the other tribute right in the heart, Vikki took the axe and hit someone who was close to take one of the weapons after she fall down she execute her, Elisa grab the bow and start shooting at the tribute who are trying to ran away she got two of them but the problem is there wasn’t another bow!

So I grabbed a knife and I wanted to run behind Vikki & Gabe as am not good at close range combat , but they were fighting the remain 4 from the 10,11,12 districts alliance along Andy and Elisa.

I got panicked (since I don’t know what to do! I don’t have a Bow to fight!) That I didn’t notice there is another tribute who was so close to hit me with his axe so I jumped back and fell when I tripped over one of the sack just when he was about to hit me with his axe Michelle stabbed him from behind and screamed something at me and then turned around to keep fighting .

Honestly my heartbeat was so loud for me to hear anything so I just crawled and hide behind one the boxes holding my knife, shaking and trying to breath.

Soon I heard Vikki screaming my name, I wanted to answer back or at least move but I couldn’t, I kept shaking, later she was kneeling in front of me and hugged me tightly and I start to cry while gasping.

Damn it not even a hundred years of training will prepare me for this, am so scared.

Gabe came and sits to take his breath and said sadly “Michelle is dead”.
Elisa: “Fuck, the bloodbath does live up to its name, I lost count how many ….” Suddenly a canon bomb start shooting, I tightened my grab around Vikki.
The canon kept shooting for 10 times. 
Andy: “well I guess that answer your question, 10 tribute died”.
Vikki backed off and hold my head “it’s alright now, we took the Cornucopia” she stand up and grabbed my hand to pull me up.
Gabe: “I told you that bitch is useless” of course he meant me I didn’t even dare to say anything, so I whispered to Vikki “there was one bow only I couldn’t fight I freaked out”.
Elisa: “let’s start treating your wounds before we start packing” she meant Gabe and Vikki.
I start looking for the Tactical First Aid Kit Bag, and as soon I found it I start to work on it, while Andy start looking for the landmine and Elisa packing what we need for medicines, food and the weapons 
Vikki: “there is only one bow, we need another one for Patrick”
Gabe: “yea will let’s hope the sponsors will do something about it” his voice became too low as he was talking to himself.
Vikki: “Gabe”
Gabe signed “yea”
Vikki: “sorry about Michelle”
Gabe: “will it wasn’t for nothing, she was worried about the other six alliances all the time, and she didn’t die until we took them all out” Vikki nod and stand to help Andy and Elisa, so it was me and Gabe only.
Gabe: “just so you know, I don’t give a shit about you, so don’t expect me to help you or anything else, just be glad that I won’t kill you and letting you here with us” I nod again can’t help but to agree with him I would do the same if I was his place.

And just like we planned we packed what we can and burn the rest and Hide the remained weapon, also Andy found 3 bombs around the place and we decided to keep it as its since we will camp here for tonight as many tribute who didn’t get a weapon or any supplies might comeback, so we hide in different places around the area.

And we were right later the girl from district 5 was running toward the Cornucopia only to get shot by Elisa, and soon the canon sound fired again.

The sun was setting already and the night had come .so we ate from what we found in there and chose Andy and Elisa to take the first watch.

I woke up suddenly as there was a loud sound, when I looked up and it was the Hovercraft collecting the dead bodies, soon after that the photos of the fallen tributes, they were the six alliance from 10,11,12 & the males from district 6 & 8 and the females from district 5 & 7 and lastly Michelle showed up, I felt guilty about it, she saved me but I couldn’t support her when she needed me.

I kept looking at Elisa bow debating if I should steal it or not , until I have one for myself am completely helpless, I hope Pete will get the signal and send one for me.

and just like that the first night was over

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