epilogue: show me the way

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A/N Hey guys. It would be best if you guys listened to the song "Show me the way" by Styx at some point either during or after you read this chapter so you will know what I’m talking about. Remember; check out my other story "My Styx Story". You guys will love it.

*A month after the funeral*

I sat at the piano bench; I had my pen in a death grip. I was trying to write a song, but I couldn't come up with anything. I was so confused, in such a small amount of time I lost almost everything I cared about. But not as fast as she lost everything. In a matter of months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds..... She lost everything. I wish there was someone to show me the way. I don't care who, just someone. "Show me the way, show me the way. Take me tonight to the river and wash my illusions away..." I started. Yeah, that sounded like a good chorus to the song with no lyrics. I walked out of the room. I was in my empty mansion. After a while everyone moved out, so it made me felt even lonelier. Suddenly, out of nowhere she appeared. She was dressed in white, almost like a wedding dress, but prettier. She was smiling at me. It made me smile, but then I realized something... she's supposed to be dead. "Why are you here Michelle?" I asked her but she just shook her head and put a finger to my lips. She came close to me and whispered "I will show you the way...." she started but then she vanished as fast as she appeared.”Come back. I still love you." I said weakly. That’s when I started praying. I didn't pray for myself, I prayed for her, for her soul. I prayed for Him to tell her I still loved her.

Throughout the next week, she would show up and say the same thing. The only time she would say something different would be when I told her I love her, then she would say "I know.”  I stopped showing up on time for concerts because I would stay longer and talk to her, even if the only response I would get would be "I will show you the way." I had finished the song I was writing and coincidentally, I called it "show me the way." I was on my way to the recording studio to see if I could get it recorded without her showing up. In the beginning of the song when I was recording, she appeared in the chair front of me.  She had a sad smile on her face, so in the beginning of the song there is a conversation between a person and someone who really wasn't there.  It was a one-person conversation on tape, but in real life it was two-person. "Move on, you don't need me.  Move on, you don't need me. ..."she kept on saying. I would of course respond with either; "I don't want to, or I don't know how.” I finally finished recording the song and left. I got into my car and turned on the radio. The song that came n was "send her my love" by Journey.  I began singing along. I was so distracted that I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face. While I was wiping away the tears, I failed to notice that I was driving on the wrong side of the road and I ran a red light. I saw the big tour bus for Styx crossing the road.  My very last thought was "Oh crap. Here I come, Jesus. Hallelujah. Wait. Oh crap. I'm going to Hell. Here I come, Satan."

A/N; yeah, that's probably not the way you thought it, would end. I didn't think it would end like that either, my friend Mellanie (also known as Kellic_Hayley_Hayes or 1DJanoskianParamore) wrote the ending. Hacked: Yeah! This is Mellanie. I'm as awesome as fudgestick  unihampster narwahls can be. Back to you Hailey. (Who is not as awesome as me.) Idiot :) just kidding. She’s one of my best friends. I thought the end of the story wasn't sad, but hilarious. Actually, I thought it was so funny that I fell of the window seat! I can't believe that she wrote that! But, that's the end and I doubt that there will be a sequel since all the main characters are dead. Anyway, you can hate me and all that but this is the tragic end. So peace people!

Axl's girl *Complete*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora