Chapter 7: what did we do?

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everyone woke up, we decided that we should figure out what happened last night."I'm hungry!" exclaimed Steven."

His remark was greeted by just about everyone telling to stop yelling. Actually, Steven seemed to be the only one without a hangover. "How do you not have a hangover?" I whisper-spoke. "I usually drink a lot more than we did last night. “He was again greeted by some shh's and shut up’s. “Let’s go and get some breakfast. Or would that be lunch? Anyway, let's just go get something to eat."Izzy whispered. His remark was responded to by several head nods and someone going to get everyone some sunglasses. "While we are there, we will try to figure out what we did last night."I said quietly. Everyone nodded their heads. "Let’s get going." duff said.

Once we arrived at our destination, which was an ihop, we got a booth in the back. "Do they have waffles?"Slash asked."I don't know .  I mean, it's called international house of pancakes so I don't know. You have a menu for a reason."I finally concluded.

Once our waiter showed up, he was obviously trying to figure out where he had seen the guys before. After we placed our orders he asked “I’m sorry, but have we met?"He said to the guys. “Dude. We are Guns n Roses."Axl said kindly. "Holy mmmm. I can't believe I didn't recognize you guys. But, um. Who are you?"He asked pointing at me. I took the chase to jump in."I'm Duffy boy's sister, Hailey." I said patting my brother's shoulder."Oh, I didn't know you had a sister. “Our waiter replied. “Well I do, so go place our orders. “Duff said rudely. I then to the time to hit him in the shoulder hard. “Ouch! What was that for?"He said after our waiter left. "That guy never did anything to you."I replied. "When he comes back with our food you better apologize." I said sternly."Ok mom. “He said.  "Now what does everyone remember from last night? Let’s start with Izzy."I said. "Um, let's see. I remember downing a couple cases of beer then um. I walked to one of the bedrooms to go to sleep and tripped on something. Then I woke up in the trashcan." he concluded. Everyone roared with laughter at that. “What?"Izzy said. "Oh, nothing “I said. “Now Steven, what do you remember?" he sat there a second before speaking." I  remember drinking some beer and then I started dancing with duff, I think. Then I had to use the bathroom and I woke up in the bathtub. “Everyone grinned at that last part."Ok, slash what do you remember?" I asked. " I remember drinking a couple cases, then I saw Axl go outside to the balcony and smoke a cigarette. Then he dropped his lighter and giggled. Then he started to climb to the other side of the balcony and almost jumped. But I stopped  him somehow. I don't actually know how though. Then I remember duff and I playing cops and he pinned my arms to my back and slamming me into the counter and that's where I woke up." he finally finished. “You saved my life?"Axl questioned. Slash nodded. "Thanks man”. He said and then they man hugged. "Ok, you sappy two. Axl what do you remember?" he looked at me a second."I remember asking you if I could call you Michelle. Then I remember going to the bedroom to take off my shoes and I woke up with a shoe in my mouth." he smiled slightly. "That’s it?" I asked. "Yes it is Michelle. “He smirked.  "Ok then. Duffy boy, what do you remember?" he looked at me and started." I remember dancing with Steven I think. Yeah it was him because he was doing an impression of axl's dancing and she was doing it badly. Then I remember pinning slash to the counter. Then I tackled Hailey and she passed out. Then since I was the only one awake I turned on the TV and it  was showing the picture of me and Hailey hugging in the hallway and it said that we were an item. When I heard that I passed out." he said.  I spit out my drink. “What!!!!! They thought we are together?!?!?!?!? That’s nasty!!!" I half yelled. "Hailey, they don't know duff has a sister."Axl said calmly. “Well I'll show them." I said mischievously.  We paid for our food and left.

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