undercover (19)

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"She said thats if I didt shed kill my girlfriend shes she's in the closet olease go and get her the key is under the bed." I walk to the bed and look under neath. I find the key and walk over to the cloest door.

I stick the key in and unlock it. "Hey Dylan gimme a flashlight." He takes a light outta his coat and tosses it to me. I hear muffled cries. I turn the light on and open it. Theres 7 kids and one teen im guessing his girlfriend. Dylan came and got them to a safe place.

I walk back to my doorm. I opened the door and Shawn still sleeping like a baby. "How cute." I whisper and Walk to the bed. I trow the note away. Then I undress and slip in bed.

"Babe wake up... Babe? BABE?!" Shawn is kn me shaking me to wake up. "Ok ok babe im awake now... Kinda...." He gets up off me and pulls the covers off. I scrunch uo in a ball to keep warm. "Baby im cold gimme the covers!" I search for my blanket and cant seem to find it. "Oh come on bae its 11am time to get up!" He says pulling me outta bed. I wake up and stretch then yawn.

When he picks me up my eyes fully open. The first thing I see is his ocean blue eyes staring straight into my dark brown eyes. The after staring into each others soul we stop it with a nice good morning kiss.

I jump out of his arms and slip in the cloths I work last night to arrest Jammie. "wow talk about sexy momma." I laugh and he snickers a little. he picks me up and runs to his car. Xwhere are we going?" I blush and smile. "To a store then a place to just chill."

We get to a store he runs in. He comes out with at least 4 big bags of cloths I think. "whats all this handsome?" "Well I got me a little something and you a lot of something. And you'll get yours when we get home." We drive to a park and he runs to the bathroom. I sit and then melt intoy seat. He comes up to the door wearing a Tuckcito. "wow your handsome and sharp today." "all for you love. I get out and we walk down to a bench by the water.

"you know im the luckiest guy in the world." I look to him with his arm around me and my arms wrapped around him. "And whgs that?" "Well because I get to call you mine..." I look down and blush so bad im as red as a tomato. The he takes his opposite hand and lifts my head. We kiss and let out hearts run away together.

When we pull away my phone buzzes. "Whos that? Your not cheating right?" I look at him "no your my only love and you know it." I put my phone on silent and we kiss more. Hes the love if my life and will be forever no matter what.

Every time we kiss i feel as if my heart runs away with his heart to a far away dream in a far away place. Then I seem to just forget all my problems when I touch him or he touches me.

Be honest is it weird if I want him to purpose to me? Really i hope he does. But will I tell him my secret? Nah not yet I dont want to worry him......

UndercoverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ