undercover (8)

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Every one stares at me they all look at each other than look back at me with a smile on all their faces. "Well here comes the newbie to our group!" they all shirek in happiness. "Umm what are you taking about." "aren't you jenna?" I look at them in confiscation. "No I'm Lin-Ashley I'm Ashley Jones." this one tall girl walks up to me "hi I'm Catherine your mine and Victoria's new roomie." "lucky." the other say. "Oh cool so where's are room?"

I just want to get settled and get outta here already. "Ill show you come one follow me." I follow "Happy Cathy" (that the nickname I made for her cause she's so cheerful) And she leads me to this brown polished two doored room. I open one of the doors and see this big girl with blonde hair sitting on her bed. "Oh hey your the new meat?" I make out a "yea that's me." with a awkward smile. "Oh thank god." she's says walking to me. "Your not one of those people that are cheerful as hell like Catherine here." she says as she rolls her and eyes Catharine just waves smiling.

"Btw I'm..." "Victoria I know." i cut her off. "Oh well your beds over there don't make your self to at home it's not anything like that here were all insean and crazy and random people will come in and start causing choas." I look at her giving her a thumbs up "ill keep that in mind." I say walking over to my black blank bed.

I set up my bed by putting on my black sheet, and my favorite comforter that black with white designs on it. Then I have these white pillow cases and slip them on my pillows. All of us have this chest on the edge of the bed I put the bags I found in the car with a whole bunch of cloths from Amy my bff stylest. Then on the bottom right in front of the chest I take my uggs off and put them in front and I put a pair of slippers, red cute high bells and a black pair, nikes, and a white liar of converse, red a pair and dark blue pair of converse.

I put the empty bags under my bed and look at my new phone. I have a message from Warren. Tomorrow meet me at the Chinese resturnat at 12:25. I text him ok and send it. I look at my old phone and put it on silent and slip it in the bottom of the chest. "Hey Ash me and Victoria are going to the dinner wanna come?" Cathrine asks me smiling. "Oh um no thanks guys I'm gonna get some sleep." I say walking into the bathroom. "Suit yourself newbie." "btw its Ashley." I say looking at her. "K can I call u Ash?" Vironica asks me. "Umm yea sure I don't mind." she gives me a thumbs up and they walk out.

I go into the bathroom and slip on the white crop top with all lace in the back with a pair of black pants I look in the mirror and while my make up off with a baby whipe. Then I walk out shut the door and slip into my nice warm comfy bed.

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