undercover (12)

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As I just stare up at the ceiling it bores me out of my mind. Its just so dull and white. I look at the walls and there cream colored. Like almost a mocha coffee cream color. I close for a while and just think about whats in that case. The i pop open my eyes and think "why wonder when its right in your hands." I get up and lock the door so nobody comes in. I walk to my bed and slide it out from under the bed. Im on the opposite side from the door so if some did come in just slide it back under and say your looking for you key or something....

I close my eyes and open it. I move the clothes that's covering it and set it beside me. I see a yellow folder to keep files and what nots in it. I grab it and open it. Theres another note. Its on a small yellow note it says, Lindsey when you open this these are the people are suggesting you keeo an eye on. I put the nite in my drawer and look at the files I take picture on my new phone. I put first file in my bottom drawer. There 5 more left. I soend hours reading about these people and why there on the list. I take photos and more photos and stick them all in the bottom drawer.

I close the case and slip it back under. i unlock the door since im not being mysterious anymore.... (I hope) i go back to sitting on my bed. I close my eyes and dicide to take a short nap while I can.

I'm back in a bark cold alley. It feels so real thati feel shivers down my back. I sit down agianst a cild brick wall. Then I fall right back into it. And im back in the cell. I feel for my phine and its there. I dial 911. "911 whats your emergency?" The operator says "HELLO PLEASE HELP ME I..." "Hello is anyone there?" She cuts me off saying. "Y...." She hangs up. I call back and it says the lines busy. "WHY ME?!" I yell up at the shy. I fall to the ground and..
*****dream ends*****
"uhhh.." I wake up on the ground. "Wow thats the worst nightmare by far." I stand up feeling weak and open the door. I walk out to go get some food. I feel kinda sick then again I didnt eat breakfast, lunch or dinner yesterday and no breakfast today either.

I walk down the halls and to my car. i stick the keys in and start it up. I sit there thinkung where to go. I just sot there for a while and think well why not dairy queen? I drive off to dairy queen I already know where it is becuase I saw it on my way hear. It only takes me about 20-30 minutes untill I arive. I go through the drive thourgh and oder my food. I just get a burger, a cherry Coke a cola and fries. I go to the river and sir on the wet grass.

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