undercover (2)

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"DAD!" I yelled rushing down the stairs carring the note. "Did you put this on my bed??" "umm no why?" "um never mind..." I say walking back up the stairs. I feel him staring straight into my back I want to look back but i keel walking. I get into my room and shut the door. I slide down the wooden door until my ass meets the floor.

I shut my eyes thinking who left me this? Is it a friend? A stalker? My dads old crime partner? More and more questions were rushing throuh out my head I feel unconsstion like and fall asleep. Later on I awaken to a pound shriek.

I get up to see me in the same place I passed out in. I look out the window and see a man dressed in all black holding a girl with a knife to her neck. I stare and stare like my eyes can't reverse back to my spot. Then he looks up at me and runs.

I walk away slowly backing up scream as he's behind me and then my eyes open and I Look and feel around me. "What a nightmare" I say. I get up and get in bed and set my alarm for 7:roam. I don't live far from school so I walk sometimes.

I close my eyes and feels like I only slept for one second legit.
I hit my alarm five to six times as it gets louder. Then I put my head up and unplug it. And plop my head back on my pillow and close my eyes. "LINSEY! LINDS...." my dad comes in and yells "GRT UP AND GET READY YOUR LATE!" I wake up to that and look at my clock. "Damn it." I unplugged it.

I grab my phone and look at the time. "OH MY GOD NO!" I yell "SHIT!" I just closed them for and minute again and now its 9:45! I jump outta bed and go through my closet. I pick out the and green-ish croptop and black leggings. I slip them on, put on some make up and run outside. My dad left where to i have no clue. I get in my motorcycle and ride off. I don't feel.like walking today I just woke up.

I get to school and check the time on my phone again Its 10:15 am "FUCK!" I say quietly so no one hears me. And I still have to go to the office. I speed walk to my class and walk in the door at 10:21 on the dot. "Lindsey Mathews your late." "I know don't remind me please." the class lets out a laugh. " Lindsey take a seat now please." she says annoyed looking.

"I know i know ok just I know." I say a little bitchy like. Then the class lets put an even louder laugh. ,LINDSSY MATHEWS DETENTION AGTER SCHOOL!" she says firmly. " I roll my eyes and the class phone rings. She's whispering and looking at me. "Oh god" I think rolling my eyes once more. The class all looks at me. "What?" i say and they all trun around.

"Lindsey Mathews office." the class laughs and states as I wall out. I look back to see trouble looking at me well more.like at my ass (we all call him trouble because he's always in trouble his real name is James.)

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